
Python library for accessing files over various file transfer protocols.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


build status

Python library for accessing files over various file transfer protocols.


Install via pip:

pip install object_storage

The current version is 0.14.4. For Python 2.7, use the latest release from the v0.12 branch.

Quick Start

from storage import get_storage

# Create a reference to a local or remote file, by URI
source_file = get_storage("file:///path/to/file.txt")

# Upload contents from a local file

# Save the contents to a local file

# Delete the remote file



The main entry point to the storage library is the get_storage function, which takes a URI to a file and returns an object which can perform operations on that file.


The value returned by get_storage is a Storage object, which represents a file accessible by the scheme provided to get_storage. This object has the following methods:


Uploads the contents of the file at filename to the location specified by the URI to get_storage.


Uploads to the location specified by the URI to get_storage by reading from the specified file-like-object.


Uploads to the location specified by the URI to get_storage all of the contents of the directory at directory_path.


Downloads the contents of the file specified by the URI to get_storage into a local file at filename.


Downloads the contents of the file specified by the URI to get_storage by writing into a file-like-object.


Downloads the contents of the directory specified by the URI to get_storage into the directory at directory_path.


Deletes the file specified by the URI to get_storage.


Recursively deletes the directory structure specified by the URI to get_storage().

get_download_url(seconds=60, key=None)

Returns a download URL to the object specified by the URI to get_storage.

For swift and s3 based protocols, this will return a time-limited temporary URL which can be used to GET the object directly from the container in the object store. By default the URL will only be valid for 60 seconds, but a different timeout can be specified by using the seconds parameter.

Note that for swift based protocols the container must already have a temp url key set for the container. If it does not have a temp url key, an exception will be raised.

For local file storage, the call will return a URL formed by joining the download_url_base (included in the URI that was passed to get_storage) with the object name. If no download_url_base query param was included in the storage URI, get_download_url will raise a DownloadUrlBaseUndefinedError exception. (see file below)


Removes the username/password, as well as all query parameters, form the URL.

Supported Protocols

The following protocols are supported, and can be selected by specifying them in the scheme/protocol section of the URI:


A reference to a local file. This is primarily useful for running code in a development environment.



If the intermediate directories specified in the URI passed to get_storage do not exist, the file-local storage object will attempt to create them when using load_from_file or load_from_filename.

If a download_url_base is included in the URI specified to get_storage, get_download_url will return a URL that that joins the download_url_base with the object name.

For example, if a download_url_base of (http://hostname/some/path/) is included in the URI:


then a call to get_download_url will return:


For local storage objects both the seconds and key parameters to get_download_url are ignored.


A reference to an Object in a Container in an OpenStack Swift object store. With this scheme, the host section of the URI is the Container name, and the path is the Object. Credentials are specified in the username and password fields.

In addition, the following parameters are required and should be passed as query parameters in the URI:

Query Param Description
auth_endpoint The authentication endpoint that should be used by the storage library.
tenant_id The tenant ID to be used during authentication. Typically an account or project Id.
region The region which the storage library will use when obtaining the appropriate object_store client.



In addition to the required parameters mentioned above, swift will also accept the following optional parameters:

Query Param Description
public Whether or not to use the internal ServiceNet network. This saves bandwidth if you are accessing CloudFiles from within the same datacenter. (default: true)
api_key API key to be used during authentication.
temp_url_key Key to be used when retrieving a temp download url to the storage object from the Swift object store (see get_download_url())

Note The connection will have a default 60 second timeout on network operations, which can be set by changing storage.storage.DEFAULT_SWIFT_TIMEOUT, specified in seconds. The timeout is per data chunk, not for transfer of the entire object.


A reference to an Object in a Container in Rackspace CloudFiles. This scheme is similar to the swift scheme with the following differences:

  • The auth_endpoint and tenant_id need not be specified. These are automatically determined by Rackspace.
  • The region parameter is optional, and will default to DFW if not specified.



Because of the way CloudFiles handles "virtual folders," if the filename specified in get_storage includes subfolders, they will be created automatically if they do not exist.

Note: Currently, the storage library will always connect to the DFW region in Rackspace; there is no way to specify a region at this time. It is possible that the URI scheme will change when this support is added.

Note The connection will have a default 60 second timeout on network operations, which can be set by changing storage.storage.DEFAULT_SWIFT_TIMEOUT, specified in seconds. The timeout is per data chunk, not for transfer of the entire object.

Amazon S3

A reference to an object in an Amazon S3 bucket. The s3 scheme can be used when storing files using the Amazon S3 service.

A region parameter is not required, but can be specified.

Note: Chunked transfer encoding is only used for save_to_filename and load_from_filename. If you use save_to_file or load_from_file, the entire contents of the file will be loaded into memory.



Note that the aws_access_key and aws_secret_access_key should be URL encoded, to quote unsafe characters, if necessary. This may be necessary as AWS sometimes includes characters such as a /.


A reference to a file on an FTP server. Username and passwords are supported.



Note The FTP connection will have a default 60 second timeout on network operations, which can be set by changing storage.storage.DEFAULT_FTP_TIMEOUT, specified in seconds. The timeout is per data chunk, not for transfer of the entire object.

Note The FTP connection's command socket will have TCP_KEEPALIVE turned on by default, as configurable by storage.storage.DEFAULT_FTP_KEEPALIVE_ENABLE, and will configure TCP keepalive options when the platform supports them, using similar configuration globals.


A reference to a file on an FTP server, served using the FTPS (a.k.a. FTP_TLS) encrypted protocol.



Note The FTP_TLS connection will have a default timeout and TCP keepalive specified in the same manner as the ftp protocol (see above).

Google Cloud Storage

A reference to an object in a Google Cloud Storage bucket. The gs scheme can be used when storing files using the Google Cloud Storage service.



Note that the SERVICE-ACCOUNT-DATA should be a URL-safe base64 encoding of the JSON key for the service account to be used when accessing the storage.


The retry module provides a means for client code to attempt to transfer a file multiple times, in case of network or other failures. Exponential backoff is used to wait between retries, and the operation will be tried a maximum of 5 times before giving up.

No guarantees are made as to the idempotency of the operations. For example, if your FTP server handles file-naming conflicts by writing duplicate files to a different location, and the operation retries because of a network failure after some or all of the file has been transferred, the second attempt might be stored at a different location.

In general, this is not a problem as long as the remote servers are configured to overwrite files by default.

Quick Start

from storage import get_storage
from storage.retry import attempt

# Create a reference to a local or remote file, by URI
source_file = get_storage("file:///path/to/file.txt")

# Upload contents from a local file
attempt(source_file.load_from_filename, "/path/to/new-source.txt")

# Save the contents to a local file
attempt(source_file.save_to_filename, "/path/to/other-file.txt")

# Delete the remote file


attempt(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call function, passing in *args and **kwargs. If the function raises an exception, sleep and try again, using exponential backoff after each retry.

If the exception raised has an attribute, do_not_retry, set to True, then do not retry the operation. This can be used by the function to indicate that a failure is not worth retrying (i.e. username/password is incorrect) or the operation is not safe to retry.

Currently, no methods in the storage library mark exceptions as do_not_retry.


The url_parser module provides a means for client code to sanitize URIs in such a way that is most appropriate for the way it encodes secret data.



Implementation is overly restrictive -- only returning the scheme, hostname, port and path, no query parameters.


Implementation all credential information before the hostname (if present), and returns the scheme, hostname, port, path, and query parameters.


There are two decorators that can be used when extending the storage library.


This class decorator will register a scheme and its associated class with the storage library. For example, if a new storage class were implemented (subclassing from storage.Storage), a scheme could be registered with the storage library using the register_storage_protocol.

class XStorage(storage.Storage):
   ... <implementation> ...

This would allow the XStorage class to be used by making a call to get_storage() using the specified scheme ("xstorage")

xs = storage.get_storage("xstorage://some/xstorage/path")


This class decorator is used for registering OpenStack Swift storage classes. It is similar to the register_storage_protocol decorator but is specific to classes that are subclasses from storage.SwiftStorage. It accepts two arguments. The first being the scheme it should be registered under. The second being the authentication endpoint that should be used when authenticating.

class YStorage(storage.SwiftStorage):

This will register the swift based storage protocol under the "ystorage" scheme using the specified authentication endpoint.

ys = storage.get_storage("ystorage://user:pass@container/obj?region=REG&tenant_id=1234")