
Yet another implementation of the LiveReload server in Node.js.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Yet another implementation of the LiveReload server in Node.js.

This server makes browsers reload via the HTTP request.


Quick start


$ npm install livereload-hub

Run the server:

$ livereload-hub

Connect to the server:

Install and enable LiveReload plugin on your browser

Send request for reloading:

$ curl your-livereload-hub.example.com:35729

Command line options

Listen port

-p, --port <number>

LiveReload API version

-a, --api-version <version>

Log level

--log-level fatal|error|warn|info|debug

Log file

--log-file <filename>

Disable host header matching

Use this option when you don't use name based virtual host.


Name based virtual host

This server compare the host header, and reload only if the server received same header.


You can customize this server by using "livereload-hub" as a library.

# simple server
livereload_hub = require('livereload-hub')
server = livereload_hub.createServer()
  http_callback: (request, response) ->
    message = JSON.stringify [ "refresh",
      path: request.url
    for key, c of @clients
      c.connection.sendUTF message

    response.writeHead 200
    response.write 'OK'
server.listen 35729


This software is distributed under the MIT license.

See also


An implementation of the LiveReload server in Node.js. josh/node-livereload