
Bot for usuba

Primary LanguageOCaml


Bot for usuba

Setting usubot for the first time

Some files are empty and need to be filled.

  • config.toml
    • Copy/paste the following skeleton in a ./config.toml file
    name="usubot" # The name of your bot.
    domain="TO FILL" # URL of the server
    port="3000" # The port number the server is listening on.
    # If commented, the port number is read from the
    # PORT environment variable. If this environment
    # variable is not found, the port is set to 8000.
    # Settings for GitHub
    # This token should be your user token
    api_token="TO FILL"
    webhook_secret="TO FILL"
    app_id="TO FILL" # The GitHub App ID
    # Settings for GitLab
    # If commented, this secret is read from the environment
    # variable GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN
    # You shouldn't touch this part, the bot needs a dummy
    # value to initialize correctly
    • domain: For obvious reasons, this url is not provided. If you have the proper rights, you should have access to it here and fill it here
    • port is set to 3000
    • [github]
      • api_token: Generate your own GitHub api token (on your account):
      • webhook_secret: This will require some old interaction called "go to Pierre-Evariste's office and ask him for the password"
      • app_id is available here
  • Generate a private key here in the Private Keys section. Once you've generated one, copy its content to the file of your choice (let's call it usubot.pem)

Starting the bot

Once everything is set up you can run the bot with:

opam exec -- dune exec usubot -- -k usubot.pem config.toml -u /path/to/usuba/repo -b /path/to/benchs --debug 2> logs

The logs file will contain any interesting information in case something stops working.