Social Application, which can collect all participant screen in real time.
Public application server for Node.js
- I would describe followings as you use IBM Cloud for this environment.
PC Web Browser
- Mobile Web Browser is not supported.(Not working)
TLS private key and cert file
- privkey.pem / fullchain.pem
- privkey.pem have to no passphrase ,fullchain.pem include full CA certificate.
- Node.js runtime
Download source from
Edit settings.js with following information:
exports.admin_username : username for Basic Authenticate to access /view
exports.admin_password : password for Basic Authenticate to access /view
exports.intervalms : interval timing to take screen-shot image by milliseconds.
exports.defaultroom : default room name when not specified
Deploy application into IBM Cloud
Basic Certification ID: admin
Basic Certification Password: password
First, administrator need to access to /view so that it can handle all client.
- If you want to use specific(not-public) room with name 'XXXX', then access to /view?room=XXXX
Then user may access to / with their smartphone, and input his/her name.
- If you specified specific room name, then user would access to /?room=XXXX, or user may specifiy room name there.
User might be asked to share their screen. User can choose which application/window/full screen to share. Then click "Share" button.
Administrator can see user's selected screen image by each 5000 milliseconds by default.
User can stop sharing when click "Stop sharing" button.
2020 K.Kimura @ Juge.Me all rights reserved.