
Replace specified user's avatar (profile photo) and username (nickname). 换掉别人的头像与昵称。

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Replace Ugly Avatars | 赐你个头像吧

avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar

🔃 Replace specified user's avatar (profile photo) and username (nickname).

🔃 换掉别人的头像与昵称。



  • 看到某人的头像 🤡 感到不适,给他换一个人畜无害的头像 🥸
  • 看到某人的言论总是很白痴、很恶心,给他一个 🐷 猪头头像,下次看到直接跳过
  • 到哪里都能看到某些摸鱼王,由于太眼熟,注意力不知不觉地总落在他那里。换个头像,强制产生陌生感,分散注意力
  • 某些平台一堆 momo 头像,政治关联的头像。给它们换个随机头像,不受它们的干扰 (其他网站后续会支持)
  • 强迫症,把所有人都换成统一风格的头像
  • 无聊时,消磨时间,头像换呀换呀换 🔃






Avatar Source

We use DiceBear's API to generate random avatars. Thanks to the DiceBear project and designers for the great works.

We also use Gfriends' avatar images as random avatars. Thanks to the Gfriends project.

Release Notes

  • 0.3.0
    • Add Japan Girl Friends avatars
  • 0.2.0
    • Automatically update all avatars
  • 0.1.1
    • Add options to enable/disable each style
  • 0.1.0
    • Add settings, add enable option, add clear data option
  • 0.0.6
    • Add more random parameters
  • 0.0.5
    • Add image change animation, convert username to lowercase
  • 0.0.1
    • Change the avatars on V2EX


This extension/userscript is built from Browser Extension Starter and Userscript Starter


  • One codebase for Chrome extesions, Firefox addons, Userscripts, Bookmarklets and simple JavaScript modules
  • Live-reload and React HMR
  • Plasmo - The Browser Extension Framework
  • esbuild - Bundler
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Prettier - Code Formatter
  • XO - JavaScript/TypeScript linter


  • 🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links - Allow users to add custom tags to links.
  • 🔗 Links Helper - Open external links in a new tab, open internal links matching the specified rules in a new tab, convert text to hyperlinks, convert image links to image tags, parse Markdown style links and image tags, parse BBCode style links and image tags

How To Make A New Extension

  1. Fork this starter repo, and rename repo to your extension name

  2. Clone your repo

  3. Install dependencies

pnpm install
# or
npm install

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

pnpm dev
# or
npm run dev

Open your browser and load the appropriate development build. For example, if you are developing for the chrome browser, using manifest v3, use: build/chrome-mv3-dev.

You can start editing the popup by modifying popup.tsx. It should auto-update as you make changes. To add an options page, simply add a options.tsx file to the root of the project, with a react component default exported. Likewise to add a content page, add a content.ts file to the root of the project, importing some module and do some logic, then reload the extension on your browser.

For further guidance, visit our Documentation

Making production build

Run the following:

pnpm build
# or
npm run build

This should create a production bundle for your extension, ready to be zipped and published to the stores.

Submit to the webstores

The easiest way to deploy your Plasmo extension is to use the built-in bpp GitHub action. Prior to using this action however, make sure to build your extension and upload the first version to the store to establish the basic credentials. Then, simply follow this setup instruction and you should be on your way for automated submission!


Copyright (c) 2023 Pipecraft. Licensed under the MIT License.


Pipecraft UTags DTO BestXTools