Post Pre-Work/Week1 Quiz

Fork and clone this repo and follow the directions below.

For the following quiz, there will be a series of questions or directions followed by answer goes here. You'll replace answer goes here with your answer between the triple back ticks ( ``` ) Then submit this updated file as a pull request to this repo.

Javascript Variables and Data Structures

Question 1

Create a variable and store the string "pizza" in it

var a = "pizza"

For questions 2-5, use the code below to answer questions 2 through 4.

var names = ["Jonas", "Inigo Montoya", "Slim Shady", "Mr. Robot"];
var clown = {
  name: "Joker",
  evil: true,
  minions: ["Bozo", "Harley Quinn", "Grumpy", "Chuckles"],
  enemy: {
    name: "Batman",
    evil: false,
    minions: ["Robin", "Alfred"]  

Question 2

Access the value "Jonas" out of the names array:


Question 3

Write a for loop such that you say hello(using console.log) to each name in the names array

for (var i = 0; i > names.length; i++) {
	console.log("Hello, " + names[i])

Question 4

Access the value "Alfred" out of the clown object


Question 5

Set a new property on the object stored in the variable clown. Make it anything you want!

clown['age'] = 'Unknown'

Question 6

Write a function that takes an array as an argument and returns the array's first value

var firstValue = function(names) {
  return names[0]

Git & GitHub

Question 7

What is Git, what problem does it solve? What is the difference between git and github?

It is a version control program that tracks changes you make to your code and allows you to refer back to previous iterations. Git is the program and github is the application or tool used to house code and share it with others.

Question 8

What is the difference between a fork and a clone?

A fork is a copy of a file that someone would use to make changes without compromising the original file. A clone is a copy that can be edited on the computer.


Question 9

How would you link a css file entitled, hardstyle.css in an html file?

<link rel="stylesheet" href="hardstyle.css">

For Questions 10 & 11 use the code example below:
<!-- ...html stuff above -->
  <div id="dog-resume">
    <ul class="skillz">
      <li> - Bone Location</li>
      <li> - Remote Sniffing</li>
      <li> - Delineating Territory</li>
      <li> - Shoe Deconstruction </li>
      <li> - Carpet Stain Placement </li>
<!-- html stuff below... -->

Question 10

Write a CSS selector-rule that will select and apply styling to an element with an id of dog-resume:

#dog-resume {
  color: blue;

Question 11

Write a CSS selector-rule that will select and apply styling to every <li> inside of a <ul>:

li {
  color: red;

Overall I had medium to high comfort level! Maybe 7/10 with 10 being the most comfortable