
Benchmarking framework for index structures on persistent memory

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

What is PiBench?

PiBench is a persistent index benchmark tool targeted at data structures running on top of Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory. The goal is to provide an unified benchmark framework to facilitate comparison across different results and data structures. While PiBench can be used to benchmark regular DRAM data structures (such as C++ STL containers), it also gathers additional metrics specific to Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory.

Find out more about PiBench and results in our VLDB paper below. If you are using PiBench for your work, please cite:

Lucas Lersch, Xiangpeng Hao, Ismail Oukid, Tianzheng Wang, Thomas Willhalm:
Evaluating Persistent Memory Range Indexes. PVLDB 13(4): 574-587 (2019)

Check out PiBench Online for an online demo of PiBench! Code is available here to deploy your own.


The project comprises an executable binary that dynamically links to a shared library implementing a persistent data structure.


The project requires C++17 and was tested with gcc 8.1.0 and CMake 3.13.1.


CMake supports out-of-source builds, which means that binaries are generated in a different directory than the source files. This not only maintains a clean source directory, but also allows multiple coexisting builds with different configurations.

The typical approach is to create a build folder inside the project root folder after cloning it with git:

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/wangtzh/pibench.git
$ cd pibench
$ mkdir build

The --recursive option indicates that submodules should also be cloned. To generate the build files, type:

$ cd build
$ cmake ..

A specific compiler can be specified with:

$ CC=<path_to_bin> CXX=<path_to_bin> cmake ..

Alternatively, a debug version without optimizations is also supported:

$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

Finally, to compile:

$ make

Intel PCM

PiBench relies on Processor Counter Monitor to collect hardware metrics. It needs access to model-specific registers (MSRs) that need set up by loading the msr kernel module. On Arch Linux, this is part of the msr-tools package which can be installed through pacman. Then, load the module:

$ modprobe msr

It may happen that the following message is displayed during runtime:

Error while reading perf data. Result is -1
Check if you run other competing Linux perf clients.

If so, you can comment the following line in pcm/Makefile:



PiBench uses OpenMP internally for multithreading. The environment variable OMP_NESTED=true must be set to guarantee correctness. Check here for details.

Other environment variables such as OMP_PLACES and OMP_PROC_BIND can be set to control the multithreaded behavior.

For example:

$ OMP_PLACES=cores OMP_PROC_BIND=true OMP_NESTED=true ./PiBench [...]

Note for Clang users: you may need to additionally install OpenMP runtime, on Arch Linux this can be done by installing the package extra/openmp.


The PiBench executable is generated and supports the following arguments:

$ ./PiBench --help
Benchmark framework for persistent indexes.
  PiBench [OPTION...] INPUT

      --input arg         Absolute path to library file
  -n, --records arg       Number of records to load (default: 1000000)
  -p, --operations arg    Number of operations to execute (default: 1000000)
  -t, --threads arg       Number of threads to use (default: 1)
  -f, --key_prefix arg    Prefix string prepended to every key (default: )
  -k, --key_size arg      Size of keys in Bytes (without prefix) (default: 4)
  -v, --value_size arg    Size of values in Bytes (default: 4)
  -r, --read_ratio arg    Ratio of read operations (default: 1)
  -i, --insert_ratio arg  Ratio of insert operations (default: 0)
  -u, --update_ratio arg  Ratio of update operations (default: 0)
  -d, --remove_ratio arg  Ratio of remove operations (default: 0)
  -s, --scan_ratio arg    Ratio of scan operations (default: 0)
      --scan_size arg     Number of records to be scanned. (default: 100)
      --sampling_ms arg   Sampling window in milliseconds (default: 1000)
      --distribution arg  Key distribution to use (default: UNIFORM)
      --skew arg          Key distribution skew factor to use (default: 0.2)
      --seed arg          Seed for random generators (default: 1729)
      --pcm               Turn on Intel PCM (default: true)
      --pool_path arg     Path to persistent pool (default: )
      --pool_size arg     Size of persistent pool (in Bytes) (default: 0)
      --skip_load             Skip the load phase
      --latency_sampling arg  Sample latency of requests (default: 0)
      --help              Print help

The tree data structure implemented as a shared library must follow the API defined in tree_api.hpp. An example can be found under wrappers/stlmap

The results are printed to stdout. You probably want to redirect the output to a file to be later passed as an input parameter to plotting scripts (1>results.txt). Also, PCM prints status messages to stderr and you probably want to discard them in the resulting file (2>/dev/null). The output looks like this:

        Time: Tue Nov  5 14:05:25 2019
        CPU: 96 * Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8260L CPU @ 2.40GHz
        CPU Cache: 36608 KB
        Kernel: Linux 5.3.4-3-default
Benchmark Options:
        # Records: 10000000
        # Operations: 1000000
        # Threads: 1
        Sampling: 100 ms
        Latency: 0.1
        Key prefix:
        Key size: 4
        Value size: 8
        Random seed: 1729
        Key distribution: SELFSIMILAR(0.200000)
        Scan size: 100
        Operations ratio:
                Read: 0.5
                Insert: 0
                Update: 0.5
                Delete: 0
                Scan: 0
        Load time: 13894.3 milliseconds
        Run time: 450.647 milliseconds
PCM Metrics:
        L3 misses: 465456489
        DRAM Reads (bytes): 372072000
        DRAM Writes (bytes): 194785536
        NVM Reads (bytes): 65489456
        NVM Writes (bytes): 465456987
Latencies (99935 operations observed):
        min: 395
        50%: 1949
        90%: 2405
        99%: 11248
        99.9%: 14224
        99.99%: 23216
        99.999%: 59100
        max: 385366

Tail Latency

PiBench can collect the latency of percentage of the total amount of request with the option --latency_sampling=[0.0, 1.0]. This is the probability of the time of individual requests being measured. A higher probability will result in more precise latency measurements, but also higher overhead. The user is encouraged to try different percentages and compare latency and throughput numbers. At the end of the execution the percentiles of the collected measurements is printed in nanoseconds (as seen above).

Skipping Load Phase

The load phase is executed single-threaded to guarantee a deterministic end result of the data structure. If the load phase takes too long, it might be helpful to preload the data structure and simply run the benchmark on a fresh working copy of the memory pool by skipping the load phase. For example, this can be achieved with something like:

# Preload the tree pool
$ ./PiBench fptree.so -n 1000 -p 0 -r 1 --pool_path=/mnt/pmem1/pool --pool_size=4294967296

# Create working copy
cp /mnt/pmem1/pool /mnt/pmem1/tmp_pool

# Skip load and run benchmark on copy
$ ./PiBench fptree.so -n 1000 -p 1000 -r 1 --skip_load=true --pool_path=/mnt/pmem1/tmp_pool --pool_size=4294967296

# Remove working copy
rm /mnt/pmem1/tmp_pool