
Real time streaming IP/Network security camera on web browser using NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Management service based on "kyriesent/node-rtsp-stream (@0.0.9)"

注: (http://jsmpeg.com/) 下载最新版的jsmpeg.min.js

Plan features

  1. 多个websockets共享一个http server (one http listening port for multiple websocket channel)
  2. 动态生成websocket的path
  3. 对外的api:
  • start: create a websocket channel for a rtsp stream, return path (randomly generated)
  • stop: stop websocket channel created via "start"
  • list: list websocket channels currently available

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project to make it up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

  • Git - free and open source distributed version control system
  • Node.js - Node.js >= 10.15.0
  • FFmpeg - Multimedia framework to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development up and running

  1. Download Git
  1. Open command prompt/terminal, Clone this repository to your local machine
git clone https://github.com/xpcrts/node-rtsp-stream-svc
  1. Download and install Node.js on your local machine
  1. Download and install pre-build FFMPEG Builds on your local machine (Download Build)
  • FFmpeg - Multimedia framework to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play
  • Copy the FFMPEG Zip folder you have just downloaded, paste it into C: drive for simplicity and unzip it.
  • Rename the file to ffmpeg for simpicity
  • After unzipped the file, navigate ffmpeg/bin

On Microsoft Windows

You need to add ffmpeg to system variables (For all users) or User variables (For specific user)
For research and test, I recommend to add the ffmpeg path to the system variables to do that just navigate to:
a. Control Panel
b. System and Security
c. System
d. Advanced system settings
e. Environment Variables...
f. System variables
g. Path (Double-click on it)
h. New
i. Paste this C:\ffmpeg\bin
j. OK (3 times)

5. NPM install node-onvif

npm install node-onvif -s

6.NPM install node-rtsp-stream

npm i node-rtsp-stream -s

7.NPM install http-server

npm install http-server -g

Running the tests

  1. In the repository, open app.js file
  • Change IP address to your camera IP address
  • Username of your network camera
  • Password of your network camera
  1. Open one command prompt/terminal, navigate to node-rtsp-stream-svc/src directory and type:

hit enter to run

3. Open another command prompt/terminal, on the same directory path and type:

node app.js

hit enter to run

Now keep those two terminal up and running

Preview Streaming Camera on web browser by go to this URL:

You are ready to go.


  • Customize width and height of canvas
  • Improve streaming resolution quality
  • Decrease streaming latency