prometheus exporter for azure blob storage
lists blobs in given container with their size in bytes and creation time in unix timestamp
you have to set the following environment variables:
export storageAccountName="storage-account-name"
export storageAccountKey="storage-account-access-key"
export blobContainerName="container-name"
To run it:
Help on flags:
there is only one flag available: port
it will change the default port which is 8080
./azure-blob-storage-exporter -port="port_number"
Link to the Docker Hub Repository azure-blob-storage-exporter
To run the exporter as a Docker container, run:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e storageAccountName="storage-account-name" -e storageAccountKey="storage-account-access-key" -e blobContainerName="container-name" benst/azure-blob-storage-exporter:0.1.0
simply build it with:
make build
or if you want a local docker image:
make docker-build
if you don't like Makefiles you can do it yourself with:
go build -ldflags "-X main.version=0.1.0" -o azure-blob-storage-exporter
or with docker:
docker build --build-arg version=0.1.0 -t azure-blob-storage-exporter:latest .