
Nautobot Plugin for Ixia chassis

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Custom Nautobot Plugin for Ixia Chassis

Development Environment

Postgres Django Python Docker Redis Visual Studio Code Ubuntu


A nautobot plugin for Ixia XGS12 Chassis Platform. The goal of this plugin is to have separate view for Ixia chassis with attributes like modules, tenat, status, port and description.


The plugin will be available soon as a Python package in PyPI and can be installed with pip:

$ pip3 install nautobot-plugin-ixia

currently available through test server

$ pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ nautobot-plugin-ixia

To ensure the nautobot-plugin-ixia is automatically re-installed during the future upgrades, create a file named local_requirements.txt (if not already existing) in the Nautobot root directory ( alongside requirements.txt) and list the nautobot-plugin-ixia packages :

$ echo nautobot-plugin-ixia >> local_requirements.txt

Once installed the nautobot_config.py needs to be updated with following:

PLUGINS = ["nautobot-plugin-ixia"]

Testing Locally

$ git clone https://github.com/uthapa82/nautobot-plugin-ixia.git

Once cloned, start the development environment

$ poetry shell

$ poetry install 

$ invoke build debug


Verification of Nautobot Plugin Installation


Nautobot UI Additional Navigation Menu


Ixia Row 24 Page View


Ixia Row 14 Page View


Ixia AppServer Information Page View


Known Issue


Need to resolve this warning, this seems to be a bug in Poetry itself, Poetry-Issue-Github

Temporary Solution: $ poetry lock --no-update

Solution that worked to fix this warning

$ cd ~/.cache/pypoetry/cache

$ rm -rf artifcats/

Verification $ poetry lock --check

Useful Commands

  • Docker Status and troubleshooting commands

     $ sudo systemctl status docker
     $ sudo systemctl enable--now docker
     $ docker volume ls
     $ doker volume rm <name_of_process_to_remove>
     $ docker ps
     $ docker ps -a 
     $ docker prune 
     # stop exiting redis and postgresql service 
     $ sudo service redis-server stop
     $ sudo service postgresql stop
     # list and kill the postgres and redis ports used 
     $ sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep <5432 or 6379>
     $ fuser -n tcp -k <port_number>
  • Remove existing virtual environment and recreate

     $ rm -rf~/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/nautobot-plugin-<tab>
     $ poetry shell 
     # might need to select the interpreter explicitly in vscode after this command 
     #uninstall nautobot
     $ pip3 uninstall -y nautobot
  • Poetry version and lock file incompatible

     $ poetry lock --no-update
     $ poetry install 
     #installing specific version of nautobot 
     $ poetry add nautobot=1.4.5
     $ poetry add nautobot ---> this will install most recent stable version 
  • Sudo to nautobot

    $ sudo -iu nautobot

  • Prepare the Database

    $ nautobot-server migrate

  • Create a Superuser

    $ nautobot-server createsuperuser

  • Starting Nautobot's development server on port XXXX, here 8000

    $ nautobot-server runserver --insecure

  • Steps to import the existing database

    It would be better to DROP the existing database as well as user and create new one, otherwise it might give "Error:Relation already exists"

    • DROP the existing database -CAUTION: Make sure you have backup before dropping
     user@nautobot-test# sudo -u postgres psql
     	postgres=# DROP DATABASE nautobot;
     	postgres=# DROP USER nautobot;
     	DROP ROLE 
     	postgres=# \q
    • Recreate the database
     user@nautobot-test# sudo -u postgres psql
     	postgres=# CREATE DATABASE nautobot;
     	postgres=# CREATE USER nautobot WITH PASSWORD '<-test-password->';
     	postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE nautobot to nautobot;
     	postgres=# \q
    Importing existing database.sql file

    user@hostname:~$ psql -h hostname -d databasename -U username -f file_name.sql

    After the above command if it gives error like:

    psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused" Error when connecting to remote database

    follow the following steps:

     user@hostname:~$ cd /etc/postgresql/<tab for version>/main/
     # ls & open postgresql.conf file 
     user@hostname:~$ sudo nano postgresql.conf 
     # add following line to that file, it might already be there just need to uncomment it 
     listen_addresses = '*'
     # After that open pg_hba.conf file 
     `user@hostname:~$ sudo nano pg_hba.conf' 
     # add the following line 
     host all all  md5
    • Finally restart the postgresql server

    user@hostname:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

    Now if you reapply Importing existing database.sql file command it should work

    Verify the database
     user@nautobot-test# sudo -u postgres psql
     	postgres=# \list 
     	# Your existing list of databases will be shown
     	#connect the database you created 
     	postgres=# \connect nautobot
     	You are now connected to database "database name" as user "username"
     	#list the tables 
     	postgres=# \dt 
     	# List of relations will be shown
     	postgres=# \q
