
Margatsni is an unofficial web app build of the Insagram by Facebook. It uses tailwindcss, react hooks, firebase, cloudinary

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Instagram Build


GitHub issues PRs Welcome

The application was built with the purpose of using some technologies I have not used before, including fireabase/firestore, firebase/auth and @tailwindcss.

Demo live at: margatsni.vercel.app


  • Signin/signup
  • Forgot password
  • Reset password
  • Email verification
  • Profile page ( for logged in users and non-logged in users with restrictions )
  • Post page ( for logged in users and non-logged in users with restrictions)
  • Inbox ( direct messages/multi-user-chat-room/chat-details)
  • Live notifications
  • Settings ( edit-profile/change-password/notification-settings/privacy-and-security)
  • Timeline
  • Suggestions
  • Search
  • Explore posts
  • Add/delete posts
  • Comment/like/save posts



The entire codebase consists in Javascript

Here is a list of technologies used:

  • React: Front-end framework
  • Tailwind: CSS framework
  • Firebase: Cloud database/auth provider
  • Cloudinary: Cloud image management

Folder structure

├── components     # Reusabble parts
├── constants      # Constant app data
├── context        # Global state layer
├── helpers        # Utility functions
├── hooks          # React custom hooks
├── lib            # External helpers
├── services       # External services / network calls
├── styles         # General app styles
└── pages          # Application views


This project is mimicking the famous Instabram by Facebook web application with no intent of realeasing or advertising the use of the content in this repo. Being just a demo app!!!

Project was built on top of @karlhadwen's base instagram build, with addition of new features and code changes.