
This program converts Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) data from the netcdf format to csv and Excel formats.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This program converts time series Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) data from the netcdf format to a csv format which could be read by a program such as Excel. The SPEI data is available at https://spei.csic.es/index.html.
Although parallelized, for large datasets the conversion might take a while. The column headers are Time, Latitude, Longitude and SPEI value in that order.


pip install convertSPEI

* Packages in PyPI are not case sensitive.

Once installed, use the -h flag to see a list of options.

convertSPEI.py -h


convertSPEI.py -np 20 -inp spei01.nc -out spei01_converted.csv


  • np : the number of processors
  • inp : input file name
  • out : output file name


If Memory Error occurs, reduce the number of processors to provide more memory per core for the conversion.