HTTP Questions


  • Name all of the parts of the url that you can remember. In your own words describe what they do.

     1. Protocol - sets http or https
     2. domain - the local host
     3. port 
     4. path - the path within the domain you want
     5. query string
     6. anchor tag - the part on the webpage you would like to access 
  • Name the pieces of the following urls:

    • http://locahost:5000/animals/puppies?onlycute=1&size=medium#firstpuppy
  • Can a server use more than 1 prt?

  • Why is https different than http?

As compared to http, when using HTTPS, the computers agree on a "code" between them, and then they scramble the messages using that "code" so that no one in between can read them. ```

  • How does a server interpret the following url's query paramter. What data structure does it create on the server?

     It creates an array named puppies with elements of fido, max, and moxie.

HTTP Request/Response

  • Name at least 4 http verbs

     Get, post, delete, put, patch
  • What is each verb useful for in your own words

     Get - get info from a server
     Post - post/send info to a server
     Delete - delete info from a server
     Patch/Put - change an existing resource on a server. 
  • What does idempotent mean?

     that the operation does not change the data.
  • Name the 5 http status code ranges. What are they used for in general?

     100 - Getting there soon
     200 - ok
     300 - redirect
     400 - client side error
     500 - server side error
  • If a server returns a http status code of 301 and a location of, what does the browser do?

     it permanently redirects the request.
  • For the following HTTP headers, decide if the following header is used for requests, responses or both:

    • Accept
    • Content-type
    • User-agent
    • Set-cookies
    • Cache-control
    • Cookie
  • Is the following a http request or response? How do you know for each?

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 722
ETag: W/"2d2-Wu0We9N5g35FXWY+gOATLA"
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2016 20:37:11 GMT
Connection: keep-alive

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">
    <title>Student Roster</title>
      <h1>Student Roster</h1>
          <h3>Daenerys Targaryen</h3>
          <span>Student Id: nys8fbohl</span>
          <h4>Hobby: Motherhood</h4>
          <img src="" alt="Daenerys Targaryen" />
          <h3>Tyrion Lannister</h3>
          <span>Student Id: njehukbohe</span>
          <h4>Hobby: Traveling</h4>
          <img src="" alt="Tyrion Lannister" />
This is a response as there is a content-type header and it's returning the HTML structure of a page.
DELETE /students/n1vmyrw3x HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 0041e3c3-efdb-f0c3-b2f4-2d79f6d0f44b
This is a request as DELETE is a request verb


  • Describe what JSON is. What is it used for.
JSON is JavaScript Object Notation which is a string of data that is used to exchange data on the web.
  • Convert the following map into a javascript object then console log the age.
{ "company" : "Github", "age": 7, "categories" : "Services,Internet,Software"}
var GitHub = JSON.parse('{ "company" : "Github", "age": 7, "categories" : "Services,Internet,Software"}');
  • Convert the following to a javascript object. Console log each company name.
{ "Companies":[ { "company": "Github", "age": 7, "categories": "Services,Internet,Software"},
              { "company": "Airbnb", "age": 6, "categories": "Hotels,Travel"},
              { "company": "Square", "age": 7, "categories": "FinTech,Hardware + Software,Finance"},
              { "company": "Dropbox", "age": 11, "categories": "Cloud Data Services,Storage,Web Hosting"}
  • The following is javascript. Convert the object to a string and console log it.
var myObj = {
  company: "Galvanize",
  age: 3,
  categories: "Education"


  • Describe what DNS is.
  • In the terminal, type man curl. Look at the man page for curl. What do the following flags do? -v, -X. (Hint: to search for a string, type / then the text you want, then enter. To quit the man page, type q).
  • What is TCP/IP? How does it interact with HTTP?
  • Does HTTP break the data that is being sent into small packets? If not, what protocol is responsible for it?