#The UTHSC Blogs Theme

Built on Grunterie

Grunterie is a WordPress theme based on Reverie, a "versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation." Reverie is set up to use the Compass gem so, if you use Compass or you want a theme that's ready-to-go, use Reverie.
If you're in to Grunt and want to stay on the cutting edge, here are some things that are great about Grunterie.

  • Includes all the great features in Reverie (Really, I didn't change much)
  • Built using the instructions in the Foundation docs
  • Takes full advantage of Grunt
  • Update Foundation any time with foundation update (Requires Foundation gem)


Note: This isn't an out-of-the-box theme; you'll need to build it yourself. If you want one that's ready-to-go, use Reverie.

You'll need to have the following items installed before continuing.

  • Node.js: Use the installer provided on the NodeJS website.
  • Grunt: Run [sudo] npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Bower: Run [sudo] npm install -g bower


git clone https://github.com/gpspake/grunterie.git
cd grunterie
npm install && bower install

While you're working on the project, run:


And you're set!

Directory Structure

  • scss/_settings.scss: Foundation configuration settings go in here
  • scss/app.scss: Application styles go here (Probably no need to mess with this.)
  • scss/style.scss: Theme styles go here (Copied from Reverie with Compass stuff commented out.)