
In this repository, we share the implementation of the paper Learning Spatiotemporal Occupancy Grid Maps for Lifelong Navigation in Dynamic Scenes. This code is a minimalist version made with two objectives:

  • Easing the reproduction of the results presented in the paper.
  • Offering the possiblity to apply the network to other datasets.

As shown in the next figure, in this repo, we provide the code for our automated annotation and network training. The whole simulation is ignored, and we provide preprocessed data instead.

Intro figure


Step 1: Docker Image

For convenience we provide a Dockerfile which builds a docker image able to run the code. To build this image simply run the following commands:

cd Docker

The image will be built following the provided Dockerfile. YOu might need to adapt this file depending on your system. In particular, you might need to change the version of CUDA and thus Pytorch depending on your GPU.

Note that the username inside the docker image is automatically copied from the one used to build the image, to avoid the permission conflicts happening when creating files as root inside a container.

Step 2: Cpp wrappers

Our code uses c++ wrappers, like the original KPConv repo. They are very esay to compile. First start a docker container with:

cd Scripts
./ -c " "

Then Go to the cpp_wrappers folder and start the compile script.

cd cpp_wrappers


Preprocessed data for fast reproducable results

We provide preprocessed data generated by from our simulator as a zip files:

Data Size Google Drive
Map + Calib ~110MB link
Bouncers sessions ~13GB link
Wanderers sessions ~14GB link
FlowFollowers sessions ~9GB link

Alternatively, we provide ftp links, for direct download:

  • wget
  • wget
  • wget
  • wget

First download the map and calibration files. Extract the content in the ./Data folder. In the folder ./Data/Simulation/slam_offline, we you will find the preprocessed results of the mapping session: a .ply file containing the pointmap of the environment. The folder ./Data/Simulation/calibration contains the lidar extrinsec calibration.

Then, choose which sessions you want (if not all of them), download and extract them in the ./Data folder too. You should end up with the folder ./Data/Simulation/simulated_runs, containing sessions named by dates: YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.

Instructions to apply on a different dataset

If you want to use our network on your own data, the most simple solution is to reproduce the exact same format for your own data.

  1. modify the calibration file according to your own lidar calibration.
  2. Create a file ./Data/Simulation/slam_offline/YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS/map_update_0001.ply. See our pointmap creation code for how to create such a map.
  3. Organise every data folder in ./Data/Simulation/simulated_runs as follows:
    #   |
    #   |---logs-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS
    #   |   |
    #   |   |---map_traj.ply         # (OPTIONAL) map_poses = loc_poses (x, y, z, qx qy, qz, qw)
    #   |   |---pointmap_00000.ply   # (OPTIONAL) pointmap of this particular session
    #   |
    #   |---sim_frames
    #   |   |
    #   |   |---XXXX.XXXX.ply  # .ply file for each frame point cloud (x, y, z) in lidar corrdinates.
    #   |   |---XXXX.XXXX.ply
    #   |   |--- ...
    #   |
    #   |---gt_pose.ply  # (OPTIONAL) groundtruth poses (x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw)
    #   |
    #   |---loc_pose.ply  # localization poses (x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw)
  1. You will have to modify the paths ans parameters according to your new data here. Also choose which folder you use as validation here

  2. If there are errors along the way, try to follow the code execution and correct the possible mistakes

Run the Annotation and Network

We provide a script to run the code inside a docker container using the image in the ./Docker folder. Simply start it with:

cd Scripts

This script runs a command inside the ./SOGM-3D-2D-Net folder. Without any argument the command is: python3 This script first annotated the data and creates preprocessed 2D+T point clouds in ./Data/Simulation/collisions. Then it starts the training on this data, generating SOGMs from the preprocessed 2D+T clouds

You can choose to execute another command inside the docker container with the argument -c. For example, you can plot the current state of your network training with:

cd Scripts
./ -c "python3"

You can also add the argument -d to run the container in detach mode (very practical as the training lasts several hours).

Building a dev environment using Docker and VSCode

We provide a simple way to develop over our code using Docker and VSCode. First start a docker container specifically for development:

cd Scripts
./ -d

Then then attach visual studio code to this container named $USER-noetic_pytorch-dev. For this you need to install the docker extension, then go to the list of docker containers running, right click on $USER-noetic_pytorch-dev, and attach visual studio code.

You can even do it over shh by forwarding the right port. Execute the following commands (On windows, it can be done using MobaXterm local terminal):

set DOCKER_HOST="tcp://localhost:23751"
ssh -i "path_to_your_ssh_key" -NL localhost:23751:/var/run/docker.sock  user@your_domain_or_ip

The list of docker running on your remote server should appear in the list of your local VSCode. YOu will probably need the extensions Remote-SSH and Remote-Containers.

Going further

If you are interested in using this code with our simulator, you can go to the two following repositories:

The first one contains the code to run our Gazebo simulations, and the second on contains the code to perform online predictions within the simulator. Note though, that these repositories are still in developpement and are not as easily run as this one.


If you are to use this code, please cite our paper

    Author = {Thomas, Hugues and Gallet de Saint Aurin, Matthieu and Zhang, Jian and Barfoot, Timothy D.},
    Title = {Learning Spatiotemporal Occupancy Grid Maps for Lifelong Navigation in Dynamic Scenes},
    Journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.10585},
    Year = {2021}


Our code is released under MIT License (see LICENSE file for details).