
Paper: Are We Ready for Radar to Replace Lidar in All-Weather Mapping and Localization?

Dataset: Boreas


  author={Burnett, Keenan and Wu, Yuchen and Yoon, David J. and Schoellig, Angela P. and Barfoot, Timothy D.},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
  title={Are We Ready for Radar to Replace Lidar in All-Weather Mapping and Localization?},


Setup VTR3 Directories

Create the following directories in your local filesystem. Later they will be mapped to the docker container.

export VTRROOT=~/ASRL  # (INTERNAL default) root directory of VTR3
# you can change the following directories to anywhere appropriate
export VTRSRC=${VTRROOT}/vtr3        # source code of VTR3
export VTRDEPS=${VTRROOT}/deps       # system dependencies of VTR3
export VTRTEMP=${VTRROOT}/temp       # temporary data directory for testing
mkdir -p ${VTRSRC} ${VTRTEMP} ${VTRDEPS}

Reference: https://github.com/utiasASRL/vtr3/wiki/Installation-Guide

Download VTR3 Source Code

Also to your local filesystem, so that you don't have to access them from within the docker container.

cd ${VTRSRC}
git clone git@github.com:utiasASRL/vtr3.git .
git checkout 20623450c195674e09bc96e01a263f0440358b11  # commit hash specified by radar_topometric_localization
git submodule update --init --remote

Reference: https://github.com/utiasASRL/vtr3/wiki/Installation-Guide

Download vtr_testing_radar

This package contains testing code for lidar and radar pipeline. Download it do your local filesystem.

git clone git@github.com:cheneyuwu/vtr_testing_radar.git

Download pyboreas for evaluation

git clone git@github.com:utiasASRL/pyboreas.git

Build VTR3 Docker Image

This builds a image that has all dependencies installed.

cd ${VTRSRC}
docker build -t vtr3_<your_name> \
  --build-arg USERID=$(id -u) \
  --build-arg GROUPID=$(id -g) \
  --build-arg USERNAME=$(whoami) \
  --build-arg HOMEDIR=${HOME} .

Reference: https://github.com/utiasASRL/vtr3/wiki/EXPERIMENTAL-Running-VTR3-from-a-Docker-Container

Start the VTR3 Docker container

Install nvidia docker runtime first: https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-container-runtime/

docker run -dit --rm --name vtr3 \
  --privileged \
  --network=host \
  --gpus all \
  -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
  -v ${HOME}:${HOME}:rw \
  -v ${HOME}/ASRL:${HOME}/ASRL:rw vtr3_<your_name>

FYI: to start a new terminal with the existing container: docker exec -it vtr3 bash

Reference: https://github.com/utiasASRL/vtr3/wiki/EXPERIMENTAL-Running-VTR3-from-a-Docker-Container

Build and Install VT&R3

Start a new terminal and enter the container

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash  # source the ROS environment
cd ${VTRSRC}/main
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to vtr_lidar vtr_radar vtr_radar_lidar

wait until it finishes.

Build and Install vtr_testing_radar (this package)

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
source ${VTRSRC}/main/install/setup.bash # source the vtr3 environment
cd ~/ASRL/vtr_testing_radar # go to where this repo is located
colcon build --symlink-install

wait until it finishes.

Note that whenever you change any code in the vtr3 repo, you need to re-compile and re-install, do this by re-running the colcon build .... command for both vtr3 and then vtr_testing. Always wait until build process on vtr3 finishes before running the build command for vtr_testing.

Create a python venv to install pyboreas

Within the running container, create a virtual environment at ${VTRROOT}

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # activate this environment

Install pyboreas localization_eval branch

cd <where you downloaded pyboreas to>
pip install -e .
pip install pyyaml
pip install pandas

Running Experiments

Visualization (Work in Progress)

First launch RVIZ for visualization:

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash               # source the ROS environment
ros2 run rviz2 rviz2 -d ${VTRSRC}/rviz/radar.rviz # launch rviz

Then in another terminal, launch rqt_reconfigure for control. Currently supported dynamic reconfigure parameters: control_test.play and control_test.delay_millisec

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
ros2 run rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

Odometry (Teach) and Localization (Repeat)

export VTRRROOT=${VTRROOT}/vtr_testing_radar # location of this repository CHANGE THIS!
export VTRRDATA=${VTRDATA}/boreas/sequences  # dataset location (where the boreas-xxxxx folders at) CHANGE THIS!
export VTRRRESULT=${VTRTEMP}/radar/boreas    # default result location
mkdir -p ${VTRRRESULT}
source ${VTRRROOT}/install/setup.bash
# Choose a Teach (ODO_INPUT) and Repeat (LOC_INPUT) run from boreas dataset


bash ${VTRRROOT}/src/vtr_testing_radar/script/test_odometry.sh ${ODO_INPUT}
bash ${VTRRROOT}/src/vtr_testing_radar/script/test_odometry_eval.sh ${ODO_INPUT}


bash ${VTRRROOT}/src/vtr_testing_radar/script/test_localization.sh ${ODO_INPUT} ${LOC_INPUT}
# Evaluation:
bash ${VTRRROOT}/src/vtr_testing_radar/script/test_localization_eval.sh ${ODO_INPUT}

Running Experiments in Parallel

Assuming you want to run odometry or localization for all test sequences in parallel.

Inside the script folder of all three testing packages (vtr_testing_<...>), you can find the following two bash script:

  • parallel_test_odometry.sh
  • parallel_test_localization.sh

All you need to do is run one of the above bash scripts inside the contaner.

bash <path to parallel_test_odometry.sh or parallel_test_localization.sh>

For example,

bash ${VTRRROOT}/src/vtr_testing_radar/script/parallel_test_localization.sh

Then monitor progress by going to the log file of each test.

The log file should be located at

~/ASRL/temp/[radar, lidar, radar_lidar]/boreas/<boreas-2020-11-26-13-58>/<boreas-2020-11-26-13-58>/<some name based on time>.log

Understand what these scripts do:

Using parallel_test_odometry.sh from src/vtr_testing_radar/script as an example, the script does the following:

  1. Define sequences we need to run for odometry
# odometry sequences
  'boreas-2020-11-26-13-58'  # Note this is the localization reference run, you must run this in order to run localization tests
  1. Set max number of sequences to run in parallel
# maximum number of jobs running in parallel
  1. Setup up directories

These directories are defined using the environment variables in Setup VTR3 Directories section.

I suggest you don't change them.

For VTRRDATA, it is supposed to be the directory that contains all boreas sequences (i.e. boreas-....). You can create a symlink from boreas dataset on /nas to this directory.

# define the following environment variables VTRR=VTR RaDAR
export VTRRROOT=${VTRROOT}/vtr_testing_radar # location of this repository CHANGE THIS!
export VTRRDATA=${VTRDATA}/boreas/sequences  # dataset location (where the boreas-xxxxx folders at) CHANGE THIS!
export VTRRRESULT=${VTRTEMP}/radar/boreas    # result location MAYBE CHANGE THIS!
mkdir -p ${VTRRRESULT}
  1. Define path to test scripts

These are bash scripts that will run odometry test (using ros2 run ...) and evaluation.

  1. Run odometry tests in parallel

The following code runs at most GROUPSIZE odometry tests in parallel by calling the $ODOMETRY_SCRIPT test script with each of the sequence specified in SEQUENCES.

declare -A pids
for seq in ${SEQUENCES[@]}; do
  echo "Executing command: bash $ODOMETRY_SCRIPT $seq &>/dev/null &"
  ### command to execute
  bash $ODOMETRY_SCRIPT $seq &>/dev/null &
  # wait for all pids to finish if reached group size
  if [[ ${#pids[@]} -ge ${GROUPSIZE} ]]; then
    for key in ${!pids[@]}; do
      wait ${pids[${key}]}
      echo "Process ${key} finished with return code ${?}"
      unset pids[${key}]
for key in ${!pids[@]}; do
  wait ${pids[${key}]}
  echo "Process ${key} finished with return code ${?}"
  unset pids[${key}]
  1. Run evaluation

When all sequences are finished, the following code runs pyboreas odometry evaluation on the result of each sequence. You should see output in terminal.

for seq in ${SEQUENCES[@]}; do
  echo "Executing command: bash $ODOMETRY_EVAL_SCRIPT $seq"