A flat dark theme for Visual Studio Code that is based on Dark+ (default dark) but with better features and customizations.
- New dark color
- Hover effects for buttons
- A more flat design all round.
- Terminal border for splitted terminals.
- Better syntax highlighting for html, css, js, etc.
- Easily know which of your tabs are active and focused with the new colored borders.
"editor.padding.bottom": 12,
"editor.padding.top": 12,
"editor.lineHeight": 25,
"editor.fontWeight": "450",
"editor.fontFamily": "fira code Retina",
"editor.fontLigatures": "'cv05','zero','onum','cv14','cv17','ss04','cv18','cv16','cv31','cv30','cv29','cv27','ss10','ss07','ss06','cv28','cv32','cv26','cv25','ss09','cv21','cv23'",
🚨 For extra semantics highlighting, you can edit your token colors in the settings.json file using the command below
"editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations": {
"[flat dark+]": {
"rules": {
"variable": {
"foreground": "#8e8eeb",
"method": {
"foreground": "#d5a106",
"function": {
"foreground": "#b738ee",
"parameter": {
"foreground": "#b70a3e",
"property": {
"foreground": "#698989",
"class": {
"foreground": "#ff8f0099",