Multi-purpose Discord bot, built thinking in modularity and ease of use
You can add Utiliboat to your Discord server by clicking here.
You do need to have the Manage Server permission on the server you're going to add Utiliboat.
You can contribute in several ways:
• by opening a pull request (make sure to follow standard.js rules)
• by reporting issues
• by buying developers a coffee ($3 each)
I don't recommend that you selfhost Utiliboat, as it's very work in progress, and there are mainly some functions that are proprietary. While I don't recommend selfhosting it yourself, I also don't take any responsibility for what happens within the process of running the bot itself.
For this guide, we're assuming that you already have npm, Node.js and Windows Build Tools installed.
0. Fork the repository (You don't have to do this if you're part of our organization)
1. Clone your fork
git clone<your username>/discord utiliboat-discord
cd utiliboat-discord
2. Install all the dependencies with npm
npm install
3. Create a file named auth.js
inside of the bot's folder and add all of the required authentication variables to it.
In the end, your file should look like this:
module.exports = {
// Discord Token, you can get one at
DISCORD_TOKEN: 'totally-real-discord-token-here',
// List of users that'll have bot owner permissions
OWNER: '216901800899510272',
// Bot prefix
PREFIX: 'u!'
4. Run the bot!
npm start
Happy hacking!