
Kustomize templates for cockroachdb deployment.

CockroachDB manifests are moved to shared-kustomize-bases


This is a Kustomization base for deploying CockroachDB to a Kubernetes cluster. The base depends on cert-manager for generating and renewing certificates to secure communication between nodes and clients.


To deploy a cockroachdb cluster in your namespace you will need to setup a kustomization.yaml file that will use the bases defined here with your own configuration layered over the top. There is an examples folder that can be used as a starting point. By filling in the missing pieces (e.g. certs, backup config, etc) you should get a running CRDB cluster with periodic backups to S3 and AWS creds injected via vault (assumes an existing vault setup).

Single namespace - multiple CockroachDB clusters

While the preference is to have a single CockroachDB cluster per namespace, in some cases this isn't ideal.

An example of this is in the Energy team where they have recently split into three squads but currently still share use of the energy-platform namespace.

In order to deploy multiple CockroachDB clusters within a single namespace whilst avoiding naming conflicts we can make use of the namePrefix and/or nameSuffix ability of Kustomize. This will automagically update the names of resources within a Kustomization as well as the selectors and labels.

One part of this that Kustomize is not able to help with is with the CockroachDB specific commands that are used to create and join nodes to the cluster. For this two environment variables have been added COCKROACH_INIT_HOST and COCKROACH_JOIN_STRING.

  • COCKROACH_INIT_HOST is used by the init-job.yaml manifest to initialise the first node in the cluster
  • COCKROACH_JOIN_STRING is in the statefulset.yaml manifest to define which nodes will be joining the cluster.

There are sensible defaults for these environment variables to ensure that a single cluster within a namespace can be brought up without overriding any environment variables.


This repo uses tags to manage versions, these tags have two components:

  • The version of the cockroachdb/cockroach image the manifests are using
  • An internal version to track changes to anything besides the version of CockroachDB

These tags are of the form <cockroachdb-version>-<internal-version>, for example: v23.1.10-2 is the 2nd internal version of these manifests supporting cockroachdb/cockroachv:23.1.10


Cockroach DB requires some base configuration that can be overridden. (An example is below)

  • Note: cockroach.host and cockroach.port are required by the backup job.


You can configure --cache and --max-sql-memory cockroachdb flags via following envvars: CACHE and MAX_SQL_MEMORY.


  • The base provides a client deployment that bootstraps the Cockroach sql command.
  • The client deployment is useful for debugging issues and communicating with Cockroach.
  • An example command for starting a sql shell is kubectl exec -it deployment/cockroachdb-client -c cockroachdb-client -- cockroach sql

Admin UI

In order to access admin UI, Port forward port 8080 on one of the cockroachdb- pods, then navigate to https://localhost:8080/

DB Console

CockroachDB has a DB console user interface. To log into the DB console you will require a database user. This can be achieved by:

  • Start a SQL shell using the client kubectl exec -it deployment/cockroachdb-client -c cockroachdb-client -- cockroach sql
    • You may need to change the replica count of the client (see above)
  • Create a user using SQL CREATE USER foo WITH PASSWORD 'changeme';
  • Assign admin role to the user with the SQL command GRANT admin TO foo;
    • This allows full access within the UI.
  • Port forward any node kubectl port-forward cockroachdb-0 8080
  • Use a browser to navigate to https://localhost:8080.
  • It will warn you that the certificate is not trusted, this is expected.


We recommend creating one instance of CockroachDB cluster per namespace instead of creating new cluster instance for each of applications. Data can be separated by creating different databases, and having one, bigger cluster instead of multiple smaller ones reduces infrastructure costs and maintenance overhead.