Welcome to the Robotics Integrated Platform for the University of Tennessee IEEE Robotics Team. This will provide a framework for small (typically < 1 cubic foot) autonomous robots based primarily off of standard off the shelf parts. The framework will be organized, extendable, flexible, and well documented.
The goal is to provide a stable platform for future robots developed by the UTK IEEE Robotics Team and others.
First, you should clone this repository and obtain the submodules. To get all of the submodules, run git pull && git submodule init && git submodule update
from the root of the repository.
Next, you will want to determine the peripherals and microcontroller(s) being used. With this information, you can prepare a configuration file for ArduinoGen to generate the microcontroller code. This configuration also provides the necessary information for the Python interface in torso.
- Docs - Documentation and basic research information about robotics. The goal is to provide a knowledge base of relevant information.
- Head - Code running on the Raspberry Pi (or compariable) board. This is the higher level Python code which coordinates everything and performs any intensive processing tasks.
- Torso - Code running on microcontrollers (Arduino/Teensy). This code handles the actual reading of sensors and control of motors, servos, etc.
- Utils - Utilities to aid in the calibration and testing of code and components.
- Raspberry Pi 3 B+
- BeagleBone Black
- Arduino Uno R3
- Arduino Mega 2560
- GPIO Encoders
- I2C Encoders
- Analog Line Sensors (Individual & Array)
- Digital Line Sensors (Individual & Array)
- Ultrasonic Rangefinders
- navX IMU (Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer)
- SparkFun Monster Moto Shield
- Servos
- Lynxmotion AL5D Arm
- Mecanum
- Tank Drive
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