
Behavior Driven Development Framework using protractor and cucumber with page object implementation

Primary LanguageHTML

Codacy Badge

Protractor BDD

Pre-requisite to start execution:

  1. Java (JDK)
  2. Nodejs
  3. Any IDE such as Visual Studio Code

Commands to execute the testcases.

  1. npm install

    To install all dependencies

  2. npm run webdrivermanager:update

    To update or install all executable binaries

  3. npm run cucumbertest

    To Start the Executation

Reports will gererated in :

  1. TestReports Folder

    Html Reports

  2. HTML Report will look like HTML REPORT

The Spec Report during executation will look like that :

Spec Report

TestExecution can simply started by running:

  1. TestRunner.exe

    This executable will first install all required dependencies and then start executation.

Reports will send to mail after executation completed.

To Send HTML Report on Mail Set Username and Password as ENV Variable.

For More info refer link https://github.com/lkumarra/ProtractorBDDFramework/blob/master/CarsGuide/Config/Config.ts

Project Structure

Spec Report

  1. CarsGuide

     Name of Project
  2. Config

     Contains configuration file for protractor which has the code for reporting browser and mail.
  3. Features

     Contains the Feature file
  4. Hooks

     Contains the Hooks for Screenshot on test failure.
  5. Pages

    1. Actions

       This Folder Contains action class.
    2. Locators

       This Folder Contains Locators class.
    3. BasePage

       This Folder Contains Base Page Class.
  6. Steps

     This folder contains the StepDefinitation file.
  7. TestReports

     All test reports will be generated in this folder.
  8. TestSuite

     This Folder contains the suite of Steps and Feature.
  9. Utils

     This Folder contains the Utility and PageFactory class.

Locators are kept like that:


Features are kepts like that:


Steps are Kept like that:
