This repository is a learning resource for Prisma, a powerful and flexible database toolkit for TypeScript and Node.js. Prisma simplifies database access, allowing you to work with databases using a type-safe and auto-generated query builder.
Before you get started with this repository, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:
Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed on your system.
PostgreSQL: You'll need a PostgreSQL database. You can set it up locally or use a hosted service.
Prisma CLI: Install the Prisma CLI globally using the following command:
npm install -g prisma
Here's an overview of the major files in this repository:
script.ts: This TypeScript file contains a basic script that demonstrates how to use Prisma to interact with a PostgreSQL database. It creates a user and their user preferences and logs the result.
schema.prisma: This is your Prisma schema file. It defines the data model for your application, including the User, UserPreference, Post, and Category models, along with their relationships and attributes.
package.json: This file contains your project's dependencies and scripts for running and managing your application. It includes dependencies like Prisma, TypeScript, and nodemon for development.
Follow these steps to get started with this repository:
- Clone the repository and install dependencies to your local machine:
git clone <repository_url>
npm install
- Create a .env file and define your PostgreSQL database connection URL. You can use the .env.example as a template:
- Set up the Prisma client by running the following command:
npx prisma generate
- Run the script to create a user and their user preferences in your database:
npm run dev
- Here are some useful Prisma CLI commands you can use to manage your database:
npx prisma migrate save --name <migration-name>: Create a new database migration.
npx prisma migrate up: Apply pending migrations to the database.
npx prisma studio: Open Prisma Studio, an interactive database editor to explore your data.
npx prisma db seed: Seed your database with initial data.
npx prisma generate: Regenerate the Prisma client to reflect changes in your schema.