
OpenGL Textures using Fixed Functional Pipeline

Primary LanguageC

Graphical Maze

  • Use Stack data structure to solve find exit Path
  • Stack itself keeps track of previous location
  • Before Visting new location in Maze Push it in Stack and if next position is not exit location Pop previous location

Algorithm/Rules For Traversal

Decrement Col Increment Col
N.A -1,0 N.A Decrement Row
0,-1 0,0 0,1
N.A 1,0 N.A Increment Row

  • Consider Maze as 2D Array
  • Store Starting Position & Current Direction in Stack (It may be possible Start=End)
  • For Each position we have to Visit all possible directions (No diagonal Movement So Max 4)
  • Prepare 2D array for book keeping purpose and mark each position visited
  • Push Row,Col,Dir in Stack iff Position is not Visited
  • Manipluate Row & Col using above logic and Traverse Maze
  • Check is New Row,Col is Exit position or Not if not then increment direction
  • If all direction are visited then Pop Previous Position Direction
  • Continue above till Exit Position is Found


  • Paste a Texture over Quad
  • Read sampleMaze.txt and init Maze Each 1 corresponds to Brick and 0 as open path
  • Use each value and prepare 8x8 portion of Texture
  • Use Values form Path LinkList in Display Color that 8x8 Texture Portion to Green and Conditionally to Orange(glGetTexImage(), glTexSubImage2D() does everthing for me)

  • Works well with happy and Single Successfull Maze Path


