MCQ Creator Application with Langchain

Welcome to the MCQ Creator Application with Langchain. This application uses Langchain and OpenAI to generate Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from a given text or PDF document.


Voila! You will get your desired set of MCQs generated with a review on the level of difficulty of the MCQs generated as well.



  • Upload a PDF or text file and generate MCQs based on its content.
  • Customize the number of MCQs, subject, and complexity level.
  • View the generated MCQs in a tabular format.
  • Review the generated MCQs directly within the application.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • The following Python packages:
    • openai
    • langchain
    • streamlit
    • python-dotenv
    • PyPDF2


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd MCQ-Generator-Langchain-OpenAI
  2. Set up a virtual environment and activate it:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate   # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  3. Install the required packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Set up your OpenAI API key:

    Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add your OpenAI API key:


Running the Application

To start the Streamlit application, run the following command in your terminal:

streamlit run

MCQ Creator Application with Langchain

Welcome to the MCQ Creator Application with Langchain. This application uses Langchain and OpenAI to generate Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from a given text or PDF document.


  • Upload a PDF or text file and generate MCQs based on its content.
  • Customize the number of MCQs, subject, and complexity level.
  • View the generated MCQs in a tabular format.
  • Review the generated MCQs directly within the application.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • The following Python packages:
    • openai
    • langchain
    • streamlit
    • python-dotenv
    • PyPDF2


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd MCQ-Generator-Langchain-OpenAI
  2. Set up a virtual environment and activate it:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate   # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  3. Install the required packages:

    pip install -e .
  4. Set up your OpenAI API key:

    Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add your OpenAI API key:


Running the Application

To start the Streamlit application, run the following command in your terminal:

streamlit run

This will start the Streamlit server, and you can access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:8501


  1. Upload a PDF or txt file:

    • Click on the "Browse files" button and select the file you want to upload.
  2. Enter the number of MCQs:

    • Input the desired number of MCQs (between 3 and 50).
  3. Insert the subject:

    • Enter the subject for the MCQs (maximum 25 characters).
  4. Specify the complexity level:

    • Enter the desired complexity level of the questions (e.g., Simple, Medium, Complex).
  5. Generate MCQs:

    • Click on the "Create MCQ" button to generate the MCQs.
    • The generated MCQs will be displayed in a table format along with a review section.

Thank You !!!