CineSimile is a platform where you can find similar movies for a given movie. Currently, we are in the phase of finding similarity between the movies. So keep in touch, and we'll let you know.
Hacktoberfest 2020 is around the corner and we very much welcome your wonderful contribution and you can also win a Hacktoberfest T-Shirt as a token of appreciation. Visit and check it out how to contribute to open source and be an open source hero 😁.
Thank you for showing interest in CineSimile, an open sourced platform to find similar movies. Please follow the steps and you'll end up being a open source contributor 😎.
Fork the repository.
Clone the repository to your machine.
$ git clone<username>/cinesimile.git
- Install node_modules 🤣.
$ npm install
- Start React development server.
$ npm start
Do something amazing (FYI, pick an issue from the issue list, and add a comment that you'll going to work on it.)
Now commit and push the changes.
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "your commit message (make it meaningful and short)"
$ git push origin master
Now create a pull request.
That's it.
Hopefully you'll get a Hacktoberfest swag 😇.
- If you are creating a new pull request please update your fork.
$ git pull upstream master
(Do this before you are creating another pull request. By doing this your fork will be up-to-date with the main repository.)
- Spread around the word, let your friends also get a Hacktoberfest T-Shirt 🤣.