
A pure JS scroll spy.

Primary LanguageHTML

scrollSpy 👀

A pure JS scrollSpy with no dependency.

Note: Links and target elements should appear in same order.


      <a data-pointsTo="aaaaa" href="#aaaaa">link 1</a>
      <a data-pointsTo="aaaa" href="#aaaa">link 2</a>
      <a data-pointsTo="aaa" href="#aaa">link 3</a>
      <a data-pointsTo="aa" href="#aa">link 4</a>
      <a data-pointsTo="a" href="#a">link 5</a>

    <section id="aaaaa" data-trigger="true"></section>
    <section id="aaaa" data-trigger="true"></section>
    <section id="aaa" data-trigger="true"></section>
    <section id="aa" data-trigger="true"></section>
    <section id="a" data-trigger="true"></section>
    <script src="./path/scrollSpy.js"></script>
    <script> new ScrollSpy(); </script>
  • id anddata-trigger attributes are required for section to be considered.

  • data-pointsTo attribute must be present in links(navigation).

ALERT! A hosted sample in this FOLDER!


Properties Description
offsetTop distance to spare from top
offsetBottom distance to spare from bottom
links link elements(navigation)
linksTo corresponding target elements
activeClassName CSS class to be applied, when in view


    let options={
	    offsetTop: window.innerHeight/8,
	    offsetBottom: window.innerHeight/8,
	    links: "nav *", 
	    linksTo: "[data-trigger]", 
	    activeClassName: "active", 
	    checkLowerBound: true 
    new ScrollSpy(options);

styled documentaion here