Movies Web App

This is a Web App which provides a collection of Movies. You can visit the website here.


Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You need to install either npm or yarn to build this project. Here are the link to resources to get started.


First of all clone the repository using the following command.

git clone

Traverse to the movies-app.

cd movies-app

Installing through npm

In case you are installing through npm follow the instructions below. If you are installing through yarn then jump ahead to installation through yarn.

npm i

To run the app in development mode, use this command.

npm run dev

Installation through yarn

To install the dependencies you can do it by using the following command.


To run the app in development mode, use this command.

yarn dev

Viewing it in the Browser

You can open http://localhost:3000/ to view it in the browser.


You may find the dependencies inside the package.json file.

Tech Stack

  1. React.js
  2. Next.js
  3. Semantic UI

Vercel is used for hosting.