
Proxy - A Leave Request & Teacher Arrangement System for Computer Science Engineering final year project. Simplify leave requests & manage teacher schedules. Built with React.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Proxy - A Leave Request and Teacher Arrangement Systemetting Started with Create React App

Welcome to Proxy, a final year project for Computer Science Engineering. The project is designed to provide two key functionalities that will improve the efficiency of the academic system.

Teacher Arrangement System

The second functionality of the project is the Teacher Arrangement System, which enables teachers to request other teachers to take their lectures. The Teacher Recommended System will suggest teachers who are free and teaching similar subjects, making it easier for teachers to manage their schedules. This system will reduce the workload of teachers and ensure that all classes are covered by an appropriate teacher.

Overall, Proxy is a comprehensive solution that will revolutionize the academic system by simplifying the leave request process and making teacher arrangements more efficient. The project has been developed using React, a popular frontend library, and showcases the capabilities of modern web technologies..

Leave Request System

The first functionality of the project is the Leave Request System, which allows teachers to send leave requests to the Head of Department (HOD) of their respective departments. The HOD can then approve or reject the leave request based on their availability and other factors. This system will simplify the process of requesting leave for teachers and ensure that the HOD can manage leave requests effectively.