Front End Code for the Universal Meeting Scheduler

Due to shortage of time, I couldn't host the site properly on heroku. There are certain Build issues that I could not resolve given the time. Thus, I would request the user to run the repo in their PCs as a development server.


  • Git Clone the repo
  • "npm install"
  • "npm start"


I would have to admit, and shamefully accept that this has been the most underdeveloped section of the project.
  • The login system is built from a template based on
  • The user adds the list of members for a new meeting.
  • The manage meetings functionality could not be built, sorry.

Last Notes

The restriction of time blew a heavy damage to the development of both the frontend and the backend of the project. However, I understand that I should have completed the assignment nevertheless, and I accept my mistake.

  • The manage meetings component could have all the functionalities that I have missed, that is, the info about all the meetings & the previous meeting