One can find all of the source code required for classifying/detecting brain tumors.
The deep-learning model is built using Keras library building CNN-Architeture.
It is supported at backend by Fast-API and tf-serving.
The intiuative and imersive UI/frontend is built using React.js with Material-UI.
This all makes my full-stack web-application capable of classifying brain-tumors by letting users to upload the MRI scan of brain at getting results at their finger-tips.
The saved-models were not being pushed to the repository due to its larger size of (128MB) so if one wants to experiment the above code can download that folder with the link attached here: click here
Brain Tumor Classification done by using deep-learning (CNN) for the sake of detecting and classifying different kinds of brain-tumors; for quick detection and providing correct medications. Link of the website 👇
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