
This repo consist of the code to check the similarity of the images using the Dino model.

Primary LanguagePython


This repo consist of the code to check the similarity of the images using the Dino model. I have deployed this for my personal use using ngrok. There are two html files which has two functions in it.

Function-1: This takes in an image and the name for the file. It then extract the features and store it separately.

Function-2: We take the similar looking images that we ahve in the dataset and upload it here. This function will compute the cosine similarity b/w the uploaded image feature and the previously stored feature and will return the name of the closest match.

Put the index.html and result.html file in the templates folder.

So the file structure will look like:-
--> main.py
--> templates
--> templates/index.html
--> templates/result.html