
The application where trending movies are listed and can access detail screens. Interface design was done with xib without using storyboard. The application was built with the MVVM architecture.

Primary LanguageSwift



The application where trending movies are listed and can access detail screens. Interface design was done with xib without using storyboard. The application was built with the MVVM architecture.

Technology and Structures

  • UIKit
  • SDWebImage
  • URLSession
  • TableView
  • ActivityIndicator
  • MVVM
  • Observable Class


Dark Mode

Ekran Resmi 2022-11-01 23 13 00

Ekran Resmi 2022-11-01 23 12 50

Light Mode

Ekran Resmi 2022-11-01 23 10 07

Ekran Resmi 2022-11-01 23 10 55