
Deploy Calibre-Web on Google Cloud with minimal effort

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Calibre Server on Google Cloud

This project provides the Terraform scripts to deploy a simple but full-blown Calibre Server to Google Cloud Platform.


  • Terraform Command Line Interface must be installed.
    Download the CLI for your operating system from here and verify that it is working.

  • You need to have a Google Cloud project.
    Go to Google Cloud Console and create one with your Google account if you don't have one.

    Take note of your project ID, you'll need it on the installation.
    An example project id: my-project-id-123

  • A SSH public/private key pair. Find out how to generate them. You can find a description on this page.


Step 1: Allocating the IP address and adding the DNS record

  1. Go to Google Cloud Console, make sure you are in the correct project.
    Create a new external IP address by clicking here and filling in the following values:

    • Name: calibre-server-public-ip
    • Network Service Tier: Premium (leave it as it is, which is default project network service tier)
    • Version: IPv4
    • Type: Regional
    • Region: Choose a region that is close to the physical location you want to offer your service.
      See regions and zones.
      Example: europe-west3 for Germany.
    • Attached to: None (attachment will be done by terraform in the next steps)

    Note down the external address that is allocated (in the form of X.X.X.X, example:

  2. Go to your domain registrar (e.g. namecheap, godaddy...) and add an A type record for the domain name of your choice pointing to the IP address you noted down on previous step.
    Example: my-domain-name.example.com A

  3. Make sure that the domain name entry is propagated by running the following command from a shell:

    nslookup my-domain-name.example.com

Step 2: Preparing Terraform

  1. On Google Cloud Console, from IAM & admin -> Service Accounts, create a service account for the Google Cloud project with a name like terraform@<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>.iam.gserviceaccount.com.
    Assign this service account the Compute Admin role.

  2. Download the service account key JSON file, rename it to serviceaccount.json and drop it into this project's root directory.

  3. (Optional) if you want to keep Terraform state in a shared location, so you can access it from different machines and/or collaborate on it, configure your backend in a file called backend.tf in the project root directory.
    Read more about Terraform backends here.

Step 3: Creating the rest of the resources

Inside the project root directory:

  1. Run the following command to initialize terraform:

    terraform init
  2. Create a file called my.tfvars and fill in the following variables according to your needs:

    • gcp_project_id: The project ID on GCP that you noted down as described in the requirements.
    • gcp_region: The GCP region to host the VM and the resources.
      Should have the same value of the IP address you have allocated on Step 1.
      See regions and zones.
    • gcp_zone: The GCP zone to host the VM and the resources.
      Should belong to the region you chose in gcp_region.
      See this page.
    • domain_name: Domain name to use. Should have the same value as Step 1.
    • admin_email: Put your email address, so you can get notified if your SSL certificate gets close to its expiration.
    • timezone: Set the timezone. Should be one of the tz database names here.
    • use_test_ssl_cert: If you are developing this project, you don't want to hit the API rate limits of Let's Encrypt. So, set this to true. If you want a valid SSL certificate, leave this to be false.
    • machine_type: How strong the machine should be. More information here.
      g1-small is the recommended minimum for calibre-web.
    • backups_enabled: Enable daily scheduled backups for the last 14 days.
    • disk_size_in_gb: Choose a disk size.

    Example my.tfvars:

    gcp_project_id = "my-project-id-123"  
    gcp_region = "europe-west3"
    gcp_zone = "europe-west3-b"
    admin_email = "my-email-address@example.com"
    timezone = "Europe/Berlin"
    use_test_ssl_cert = false
    machine_type = "g1-small"
    backups_enabled = true
    disk_size_in_gb = 32
    domain_name = "my-domain-name.example.com"
  3. Apply the terraform resources by running the following command:

    terraform apply -var-file=my.tfvars

    Observe the prompt, and if all looks fine, write yes and press enter. Wait for the IP address resource to be deployed.

Step 4: Configuring Calibre-Web application

  1. Calibre-Web needs an initial library, which contains the metadata.db, to start working.
    Therefore we need to upload an existing library to the server.
    To do this, connect to the VM you created with an SFTP/SCP client as user ubuntu using your private key.
    Upload the initial library you have into the directory: /home/ubuntu/books/.
    The metadata.db file should be exactly in the following location: /home/ubuntu/books/metadata.db.

  2. Go to the address on the output from the previous step on your web browser. You will be greeted by the initial setup screen of Calibre.
    Leave all settings as-is, except:

    • Set exactly /books as the Calibre library location.
    • Enable uploads and other additional features as you wish. Submit the settings.
      (This is what is running on server.)
  3. Login to Calibre-Web with the following credentials:


    After doing it, immediately go to settings and change your password.

Congratulations, you have set up a secure Calibre Server.


  1. In the project root directory, run:

    terraform destroy -var-file=my.tfvars

    Answer yes to the prompt to confirm deletion.

  2. Go to the external IP address page in Google Cloud Console and release the static external IP address you allocated.

  3. Delete the A type DNS record for Calibre-Web from your registrar.

  4. Manually delete the disk snapshots that were taken if backups were enabled from here.