
Clone of runsolver v3.4.0 from http://www.cril.univ-artois.fr/~roussel/runsolver/

Primary LanguageC++

runsolver v3.4.0

Clone of runsolver v3.4.0 from http://www.cril.univ-artois.fr/~roussel/runsolver/.

Tool to customize system limit and timeout while running benchmarks.


  1. libnuma-dev


cd src
make -j `nproc`


./runsolver --timestamp -C 1200 -W 180 -R 8192 -V 102400 -w watch.log -v values.log -o tool_output.log ./tool_name tool_args

  1. -C is for CPU time limit in seconds. Sum total of all the threads.
  2. -W is the Wall clock time limit in seconds.
  3. -R is the maximum resident segment size limit in Mega Bytes.
  4. -V is the maximum virtual memory limit in Mega Bytes.
  5. -w is the watcher log file. It logs thread specific details.
  6. -v is the key value pair log file. Smaller and easier to parse.
  7. -o is the log file for stdout and stderr redirect of the tool being run.