
rna folding prediction

Primary LanguageJava


What is this repository for?

  • RNA Folding project code for Robin Gutell's Lab
    • Initial code created Spring 2014 and onward...
    • Repository/source control initiated Fall 2015


  • Contributors:
    • Robin Gutell - Principle Investigator, Gutell Lab
    • Jamie Cannone - Research Associate, Gutell Lab
    • Ashton Berger - Fall 2015 BIO321G student researcher
    • Vishal Patel - Fall 2015 BIO321G student researcher

Contribution guidelines

  • We should probably discuss and outline these...
  • I think for right now, it's probably best for each individual to fork his/her own branch and make changes there. Once you feel you have a significant amount of work stored there, we can all meet, discuss the changes, and then incorporate the changes into the master branch.


* bin		- directory housing run code
* src		- package directory that houses various modules for calling within run code
* data		- inputs for testing purposes and what not
* tests		- will house code tests


  • First, update your PYTHONPATH via the command line or else you will get ImportErrors:
    • export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/your/local/directory/with/copy/of/foldrr
  • Next, install using the following command:
    • python setup.py install
  • Last, clean up your directory and start folding!
    • python setup.py clean


  • bin/python/
    • bpseq_to_piesie.py
      • Description:
        • reads a .bpseq file and produces a .piesie file
      • Inputs:
        • .bpseq file
      • Outputs:
        • .piesie annotation file
      • Usage example:
        • python bin/python/piesie_annotation.py -i data/bpseq/rnasequence.bpseq -o data/piesie/rnasequence.piesie
    • fold_sequence.py
      • Description:
        • Currently requires a sequence (input as either a .fasta, a .txt file, or manually via the command line) and an energy file .energetics containing the energies of all the possible helices of the sequence. Outputs a tab-delimited .predicted file with corresponding PI hairpin loop predictions. Can also include the .piesie as an option to denote which sequences are the actual sequences.
      • Inputs:
        • .fasta file, .energetics file, .piesie file (OPTIONAL)
      • Outputs:
        • .predicted file
      • Usage example:
        • python bin/python/fold_sequence.py -s data/fasta/rnasequence.fasta -e data/energetics/rnasequence.energetics -p data/piesie/rnasequence.piesie
    • graph_helices.py
      • Description:
        • Given an input sequence via .fasta or manual entry, calculates all possible helices and plots them. Can also include .piesie as an option to include known structures in the plot.
      • Inputs:
        • .fasta file OR manually enter the sequence via the command line
      • Outputs:
        • an interactive graph of all of the possible helices for an RNA sequence
      • Usage example:
        • python bin/python/graph_helices.py sequence.fasta
    • predict_helices.py
      • Description:
        • Given an input .fasta or manually entered sequence, will generate a .energetics file which contains all possible helices for the sequence.
      • Inputs:
        • .fasta file OR manually enter the sequence via the command line
      • Outputs:
        • .energetics file
      • Usage example:
        • python bin/python/predict_helices.py rnasequence.fasta
    • seq_search.py
      • Description:
        • Searches GenBank records for RNA sequences and will return a .fasta of the sequence. Needs to be run interactively unless the Accession ID is already known.
      • Inputs:
        • accession number OR manually interact with the program via the command line
      • Outputs:
        • prints GenBank records to command line
      • Usage example:
        • python bin/python/seq_search.py

Who do I talk to?

  • If you have any questions, please contact Vishal or Ashton.