
Create a blog using Jupyter and Pelican.

Primary LanguageHTML


This is an example repo that shows a minimal configuration that allows you to create a personal blog using Jupyter notebooks.

See this blog post for more details, and a guide on how to setup and deploy a blog.

Reproducing this example

You can reproduce this setup on your own computer by following the steps below:

  • Create a virtualenv.
  • Install everything in requirements.txt.
  • Setup your .gitignore file.
  • Run pelican-quickstart.
  • Create a plugins folder.
  • Run git init.
  • Run git submodule add git://github.com/danielfrg/pelican-ipynb.git plugins/ipynb.
  • Create any notebooks you want in the content folder.
    • Remember to create corresponding .ipynb-meta files.
  • Edit pelicanconf.py to the lines that activate the pelican-ipynb plugin.
  • Run pelican content.
  • Switch to the output directory and run python -m pelican.server.