
Duckling java wrapper

Primary LanguageJava


This Project includes java wrapper for wit.ai (Duckling).

[Note: duckling jar is already in resource folder,if you want your own follow steps below]

Steps to follow:

  1. Duckling library is written in clojure, to convert it into jar you need to download its library from githubrepo: https://github.com/wit-ai/duckling

  2. Download and install leiningen from https://leiningen.org/

  3. On console hit cmd : lein uberjar ,to make jar

  4. Copy jar into resources in your project.

  5. Gradle dependencies to include local jar:

    repositories { flatDir { dirs './src/main/resources' //local jar path } } dependencies { compile name: 'duckling-0.4.23-standalone' //local jar from step 3 } compile "org.clojure:data.json:0.2.6" //Since clojure return result in clojure data format,to convert it into json you need to include org.clojure.data.json library =======================================================================================
    To run: Run Application.java