
Makes use of the Youtube Data list functions. Retrieve information about videos, channels, comments, playlists. Search normally or by location.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Makes use of the Youtube Data list functions. Retrieve information about videos, channels, comments, playlists. Search normally or by location.

Google provides a guide to obtaining a youtube data key. The Data API documentation is a good resource to see what information can be gathered with each list function. However, this library does not implement parameters and options that require authorization.

A couple code examples:

YoutubeData data = new YoutubeData("your_Data_Api_Key_Here");

# Comments posted on a channel:
CommentThreadsList ctl = null;
String pageToken = "";
do {
    ctl = data.getCommentThreadsByChannelId(CommentThreadsList.PART_SNIPPET, "UCUcyEsEjhPEDf69RRVhRh4A", CommentThreadsList.MAX_REPLIES, pageToken);
    pageToken = ctl.nextPageToken;
    for(CommentThreadsList.Item item : ctl.items) {
        if(item.hasSnippet()) {
            String author = item.snippet.topLevelComment.authorDisplayName;
            String comment = item.snippet.topLevelComment.textDisplay;
            System.out.println(author+": "+comment);
} while (ctl.nextPageToken != null);

# Find videos near you!
SearchList sl = null;
String pageToken = "";
do {
    # Location takes latitude,longitude and a radius using m, km, ft, or mi.
    sl = data.getSearchVideosAtLocation("", SearchList.MAX_RESULTS, "", SearchList.ORDER_DATE, "40.2822047,-76.9154449", "1mi");
    pageToken = sl.nextPageToken;
    for(SearchList.Item item : sl.items) {
        if(item.hasSnippet()) {
            String date = item.snippet.publishedAt.toString();
            String channelTitle = item.snippet.channelTitle;
            String videoTitle = item.snippet.title;
            String videoId = item.id.videoId;
            System.out.println(date+"  https://youtu.be/"+videoId+" ("+channelTitle+"): "+videoTitle);
} while (sl.nextPageToken != null);