
Code powering the Sónar Beach Ball: https://www.hackerleague.org/hackathons/music-hack-day-barcelona-13/hacks/sonar-beach-ball-bring-sonar-to-the-beach

Sónar Beach Ball --Bring the Sónar Festival to the beach!

Every year when you come to Barcelona for the Sónar Festival you are faced with a choice: going to the concerts or going to the beach...

Well this time is over: with the Sónar beach ball, enjoy the music of the Sónar Festival while you are playing with your friends with this special beach ball. Tiny (but powerful) speakers are directly embedded on it and thanks to a Lilypad mp3 Arduino board it plays all the sounds of the Sónar festival continuously, at least as long as you keep playing with the ball. Indeed an accelerometer can detect if it is moving or not, and when it stops the music stops too. Oh and to make it fun, an area of the beach ball is touch sensitive and when hit it will switch to another track. So play hard but play smart and collaboratively if you want to enjoy the tracks in their entirety ;).

The tracks were downloaded on SoundCloud where they were made freely available by the respective artists.

This hack was implemented during the Barcelona Music Hack Day 2013 co-located with the Sónar Festival: https://www.hackerleague.org/hackathons/music-hack-day-barcelona-13/hacks/sonar-beach-ball-bring-sonar-to-the-beach