
Creating a frontend for "SARAIL" the Hackathon problem statement in which we are going to create a beautiful UI that can interactable and navigation to anyone so that everyone can enjoy the announcement and station information in preferable language.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sarail Frontend

Frontend of SARAIL contains announcements of station and basic station information of user's preferable languages so that they can navigate to their respective destination and save time.

Two parts of this frontend

1. User

-> Choose language -> Choose station -> Announcement board and station information -> Chatbot(chintu):- Ask for help to navigate or any other information needed

2. Admin

-> Login required (choose station and id's for authentication) -> Post announcement in their respective station -> Input by text or voice in preferable language






Desktop/Big laptop screen:- width >= 1024px Tablet/Laptop:- 768px <= width < 1024px Mobile:- width <= 768px

We have to make responsive till 350px to 375px. Maximum width of our applicatoin = 1440px