
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular Bootstrap Modal

Modal dialog for angular 6 applications using bootstrap 4. If used without bootstrap, please add appropriate styles for modal to work properly. Raise an issue on github if found any. Please star the project if you found it useful.


npm install --save ngb-modal

For Angular[2,4,5] and bootstrap 3, install older version

npm install --save ngb-modal@0.0.4

For Angular 6 and bootstrap 3, install older version

npm install --save ngb-modal@1.0.5


Check working Demo. You can test and generate code snippet from demo.


Import ModalModule into your module


import { ModalModule } from 'ngb-modal';

  imports: [

Now Start using modal component in your components.


<modal #myModal>
        Modal header content goes there.

        Modal body content goes there.

        Modal footer content goes there.


* title?: String;
* size?: String | "md";
* modalClass?: String | '';
* hideCloseButton?: Boolean | false;
* centered?: Boolean | false;
* backdrop?: Boolean | 'static' | true;
* animation?: Boolean | true;
* keyboard?: Boolean | true;
* closeOnOutsideClick?: Boolean | true;
* backdropClass?: String | "modal-backdrop";

Note: These properties can be passed in html on modal tag or pass as an 2nd parameter in open method of ModalManager when opening a modal as shown below.

Opening a Modal


import { ModalManager } from 'ngb-modal';

selector: "app",
template: `
    <div class="row">
        <button (click)="openModal()">open my modal</button>
        <modal #myModal (onOpen)="" (onClose)="">
                <h1>Modal header</h1>
                Hello Modal!
                <button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="closeModal()">close</button>
export class YourComponent {
    @ViewChild('myModal') myModal;
    private modalRef;
    constructor(private modalService: ModalManager){}

        this.modalRef = this.modalService.open(this.myModal, {
            size: "md",
            modalClass: 'mymodal',
            hideCloseButton: false,
            centered: false,
            backdrop: true,
            animation: true,
            keyboard: false,
            closeOnOutsideClick: true,
            backdropClass: "modal-backdrop"
        //or this.modalRef.close();

Separate component as modal:

You can make a separate component for modal window. In this case remember to add your component as an entryComponents section of your NgModule. Also set ViewContainerRef in your root component as below.

  declarations: [
    AppComponent, ModalComp
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
  entryComponents: [ModalComp]
export class AppModule { }

export class AppComponent {
    constructor(private modalService: ModalManager, private vcr: ViewContainerRef) {
        title: "new modal",
        size: "sm",
        modalClass: 'mymodal',
        hideCloseButton: true,
        centered: false,
        backdrop: true,
        animation: true,
        keyboard: true,
        closeOnOutsideClick: true,
        backdropClass: "modal-backdrop"

import { ModalComponent } from 'ngb-modal';

  selector: 'app-modal',
  template: `<modal>
      Modal as a component

      Modal body content goes there.

      Modal footer content goes there.
export class ModalComp{
    @ViewChild(ModalComponent) ModalComponent;
    @Input() data;

export class YourComponent {
    private modalRef;
    constructor(private modalService: ModalManager){}

        this.modalRef = this.modalService.open(ModalComp, {
            size: "md",
            modalClass: 'mymodal',
            hideCloseButton: false,
            centered: false,
            backdrop: true,
            animation: true,
            keyboard: false,
            closeOnOutsideClick: true,
            backdropClass: "modal-backdrop"
        this.modalRef['data'] = "any data you want to pass to ModalComp class";
        this.modalRef.onOpen.subscribe(() => {
            console.log("comp opened");
        this.modalRef.onClose.subscribe(() => {
            console.log("comp closed");
        //or this.modalRef.close();

Note: If you are using another component as modal. Don't forget to add @ViewChild(ModalComponent) ModalComponent in your component as above. ModalManager expects ModalComponent property to be present on your component class. Don't change the name. Any input property of your component can be passed to modalInstance returned by open method.


ModalManager expose 4 methods to component to control the modal.

* open: Method // used open a particular modal. 1st argument is modalRefence you want to open,2nd is config you want to be applied on this modal.It returns instance of opened modal, which has 3 properties:
    * onOpen : Observable // fired once this modal is opened
    * onClose : Observable // fired once this modal is closed
    * close : Method // can be used to close this modal

* close : Method //Used to close any opened modal by passing the reference of that modal.
* setDefaults : Method //to be called from root component to provide global configurations for all modals.
* setRootViewContainerRef: Method //called if using separate component as modal. called from root component to set container for all modals at root level.


These 2 output events are published on <modal></modal> component.

onOpen : Fired after modal is opened. onClose : Fired after modal is closed

Global Configuration

If you want to set some default properties for all modals used in project, these configurations can be set via setDefaults method of ModalManager. Call setDefaults from your root component and the configurations.


MIT © Uttam Pratap Choudhary