
This C++ program is designed for finding the zero of a polynomial in a given interval and tolerence using Bisection, Secant and Hybrid Methods.

Primary LanguageC++


This C++ program is designed for finding the zero of a polynomial in a given interval and tolerence using Bisection, Secant and Hybrid Methods.

In order to run the program:

1)You need to compile the source code file (UtkuTurkbey.cpp) with a C++ compiler, and create "UtkuTurkbey.exe" executable file.

2)You need to run a command line, direct the location to the folder where "UtkuTurkbey.exe" file is located and type: <UtkuTurkbey.exe a(n) a(n-1) ... a0 x0 x1 tolerance> without <> parts and hit the enter. In this notation a(n) a(n-1) ... a0 are the real number coefficients of the degree n polynomial whom zero will be found, x0 and x1 (x0 < x1) are the real number start and end points of interval containing the zero of polynomial and tolerance is the real number tolerance value.

3)Number of iterations and zero of the polynomial for each method will be printed accordingly.