VerCors Website

This repository contains the code and data of the VerCors website. It is generated as a set of static pages.


The website is built by To pull in the dependencies, e.g. set up a virtualenv:

$ virtualenv venv -p python3
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then build the website:

$ python3

You can also run a debug version of the website to inspect your edits, though it does not automatically update on save:

$ python3
Building the website...
Now serving on http://localhost:8000/


  • /build contains the statically rendered website after building;
  • /generated_templates contains generated jinja templates after building;
  • /data contains the website data structured as toml;
  • /templates contains html templates rendered with jinja2;
  • /static contains other resources, and is copied as is.

Generally the process of building is as follows:

  • urls is loaded from /data/urls.toml
  • data is constructed by loading the other files in /data
  • pages couples entries in urls to template files
  • /build and /generated_templates are deleted
  • The templates for the wiki and wiki menu are rendered into /generated_templates
  • Everything in pages is rendered with data as context, plus any additional arguments from pages
    • If the URL ends in /, index.html is appended automatically
  • /static/**/* is copied to /build

Add a page

  • Make a new entry in /data/urls.toml
  • Make a new entry in
  • If need be, load more data into data if you want a separate toml file in /data