The VerCors verification toolset for verifying parallel and concurrent software
- alan23273850Academia Sinica
- bobismijnnaamOne Million Inc.
- clarusFormal Land
- clayratIMDEA Software
- co-danGroningen
- DaKellyFella
- dani-who-likes-engineering
- dataronio
- ercandmrl
- erichoceanXy Group Ltd
- ericponyUniversity of Oxford
- euppJetBrains Research
- frashman007
- gianricardo
- himitoCNRS
- ixiDevMorocco
- J3173
- JoranHonig
- lsafinaINRIA
- mahmoudimusVery Good Security
- marcluque@aws
- msiemensVivavis AG
- NLthijs48crisp.nl (@crispnl)
- OmerSakar
- proidiot@stuphlabs
- SaeedDarabiCoMind
- sakehlPhD @ TUe
- sirinathSakrio!
- SkantzShirokanedai
- SophietjeTNO
- ssoudanSan Jose, CA
- timothyklim
- Vescatur
- wenhuizhangopen source task force
- wytseoortwijn
- xunfeng1980@coralmesh