
This repository offers essential utilities for RGB++ asset integration.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository offers essential utilities for RGB++ asset integration using the RGB++ SDK Service.

Start RGB++ SDK Service


The RGB++ SDK Service must be runing before using rgbpp-sdk-python to build your RGB++ DApps

Clone rgbpp-sdk to start service

git clone https://github.com/ckb-cell/rgbpp-sdk.git
cd apps/service

Update Environment Variables

Copy the .env.example file to .env:

cp .env.example .env

Update the configuration values:

# testnet for CKB and BTC Testnet and mainnet for CKB and BTC Mainnet, the default value is testnet

# The Bitcoin Testnet type including Testnet3 and Signet, the default value is Signet
# Testnet3: https://mempool.space/testnet
# Signet: https://mempool.space/signet

# CKB node url which should match NETWORK

# The BTC assets api url which should match NETWORK and BTC_TESTNET_TYPE
# The BTC Testnet Service url is: https://api.testnet.rgbpp.io
# The BTC Signet Service url is: https://api.signet.rgbpp.io

# The BTC assets api token which should match NETWORK and BTC_TESTNET_TYPE
# To get an access token of BTC Testnet, please refer to https://github.com/ckb-cell/rgbpp-sdk/tree/develop/packages/service#get-an-access-token

# The BTC assets api origin which should match NETWORK and BTC_TESTNET_TYPE

Run RGB++ SDK Service

pnpm install && pnpm dev

Quick Start

Install in a virtualenv

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Example Code

See examples/ directory. For instance this example calls the RGB++ SDK Service RPC to get RGB++ tx state:

PYTHONPATH=. python examples/rpc_state.py

And the RGB++ assets transfer on BTC example is provided:

# The example is only for RGB++ transfer on BTC 
# You can get RGB++ assets using the [rgbpp-sdk examples](https://github.com/ckb-cell/rgbpp-sdk/tree/develop/examples/rgbpp/xudt)
PYTHONPATH=. python examples/rgbpp_transfer.py


Please make sure the RGB++ SDK Service is running

python3 -m unittest


There are BTC and CKB transactions for RGB++ transfer on BTC Signet network as following:

BTC TX: https://mempool.space/signet/tx/395b0eeeed629e389bcbcb93c211b343e8a3ca2396e95891e6c38c186dc40a2d

CKB TX: https://pudge.explorer.nervos.org/transaction/0xf021237b6a6af7fa5628e4a69736efa5f5fed9a858439e6e9d612097f1bf38be