QML extension plugin enabling access to MIDI in/out devices, based on RtMidi library. Tested on Windows and OS X platforms.
Compile plugin, then use in any QML application or QML viewer.
See piano.qml.
If you are using QMLViewer, please start with "qmlviewer -I . piano.qml" so that the current (project) directory is included in module search path.
- Up/down arrows to change MIDI output device
- Left/right arrow to change program (instrument)
- qwerty (protracker) keys play notes.
qmlmidi is available under MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2011 Jarno Heikkinen jarnoh@komplex.org.
The RtMidi license is similar to the the MIT License, with the added "feature" that modifications be sent to the developer.
RtMidi: realtime MIDI i/o C++ classes
Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Gary P. Scavone