
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

FaceDiffuser (MIG '23)

Code repository for the implementation of: FaceDiffuser: Speech-Driven Facial Animation Synthesis Using Diffusion.

This GitHub repository contains PyTorch implementation of the work presented above. FaceDiffuser generates facial animations based on raw audio input of speech sequences. By employing the diffusion mechanism our model produces different results for every new inference.

We reccomend visiting the project website and watching the supplementary video.

Paper Project Website


  • Linux and Windows (tested on Windows 10 and 11)
  • Python 3.9+
  • PyTorch 1.10.1+cu111


  • ffmpeg
  • Check the required python packages and libraries in requirements.txt.
  • Install them by running the command: pip install -r requirements.txt



The Biwi 3D Audiovisual Corpus of Affective Communication dataset is available upon request for research or academic purposes.

BIWI Data Preparation and Data Pre-process

In the interest of fair comparison with previous works, BIWI dataset was prepared according to the data processing that was done in CodeTalker. Please follow this link and follow the instructions there to prepare the dataset. After processing, the *.npy files should be in data/BIWI/vertices_npy/ folder whereas the .wav files should be in data/BIWI/wav/ folder. This processing only prepares the emotional subset sequences. The results reported in the paper are based on this pre-processed data.

P.S.: FaceXHuBERT also provides a data processing workflow that processes the full BIWI dataset (including neutral and emotional sequences).


Download the training data from: https://voca.is.tue.mpg.de/download.php.

Place the downloaded files data_verts.npy, raw_audio_fixed.pkl, templates.pkl and subj_seq_to_idx.pkl in the folder data/vocaset/. Read the downloaded data and convert it to .npy and .wav format accepted by the model. Run the following instructions for this:

cd data/vocaset
python process_voca_data.py


Download the Multiface dataset by following the instructions here: https://github.com/facebookresearch/multiface.

Keep in mind that only mesh and audio data is needed for training the model.

cd data/mutliface
python convert_topology.py
python preprocess.py


Download the Beat dataset from here: https://pantomatrix.github.io/BEAT/. Keep in mind that only the facial motion (stored in json files) and audio (stored in wav files) are needed for training the model.

Follow the instructions in data/beat for preprocessing the data before training.

Model Training

Training and Testing

Arguments BIWI VOCASET Multiface UUDaMM BEAT
--dataset BIWI vocaset multiface damm beat
--vertice_dim 70110 15069 18516 192 51
--output_fps 25 30 30 30 30
  • Train the model by running the following command:
     python main.py
    The test split predicted results will be saved in the result/. The trained models (saves the model in 25 epoch interval) will be saved in the save/ folder.


  • Download the trained weights from here and add them to the folder pretrained_models.
  • To generate predictions use the commands:


python predict.py --dataset BIWI --vertice_dim 70110 --feature_dim 512 --output_fps 25 --train_subjects "F2 F3 F4 M3 M4 M5" --test_subjects "F2 F3 F4 M3 M4 M5" --model_name "pretrained_BIWI" --fps 25 --condition "F2" --subject "F2" --diff_steps 500 --gru_dim 512 --wav_path "test.wav"  


python predict.py --dataset vocaset --vertice_dim 15069 --feature_dim 256 --output_fps 30 --train_subjects "FaceTalk_170728_03272_TA FaceTalk_170904_00128_TA FaceTalk_170725_00137_TA FaceTalk_170915_00223_TA FaceTalk_170811_03274_TA FaceTalk_170913_03279_TA FaceTalk_170904_03276_TA FaceTalk_170912_03278_TA" --test_subjects "FaceTalk_170809_00138_TA FaceTalk_170731_00024_TA" --model_name "pretrained_vocaset" --fps 30 --condition "FaceTalk_170728_03272_TA" --subject "FaceTalk_170731_00024_TA" --diff_steps 1000 --gru_dim 256 --wav_path "test.wav"


python predict.py --dataset multiface --vertice_dim 18516 --feature_dim 256 --output_fps 30 --train_subjects "2 3 6 7 9 10 11 12 13" --test_subjects "1 4 5 8" --model_name "pretrained_multiface" --fps 30 --condition "2" --subject "1" --diff_steps 1000 --gru_dim 256 --wav_path "test.wav"


  • Run the following command to render the predicted test sequences stored in result/:

    python render_result.py

    The rendered videos will be saved in the renders/videos/ folder.

Training and Testing on BEAT

  • To train the model on beat and obtain test results use the following command:
    python .\main.py --dataset beat --train_subjects "2 4 6 8" --test_subject "2 4 6 8" --val_subjects "2 4 6 8" --vertice_dim 51 --gru_dim 256 --output_fps 30 --feature_dim 256
  • To visualise the results open the Blender project from data\beat\BeatVisualise.blend. In the Scripting tab modify the res_path variable value to the npy sequence you want to render.
  • To add the audio, open the Video Editor tab and drag and drop your audio.
  • To render use the button Render -> Render Animation or press CTRL + F12

Trained Weights

The trained weights can be downloaded from THIS link.


We borrow and adapt the code from FaceXHuBERT, MDM, EDGE, CodeTalker. Thanks for making their code available and facilitating future research. Additional thanks to huggingface-transformers for the implementation of HuBERT.

We are also grateful for the publicly available datasets used during this project:

  • ETHZ-CVL for providing the B3D(AC)2 dataset
  • MPI-IS for releasing the VOCASET dataset.
  • Facebook Research for realising the Multiface dataset.
  • Utrecht University for the UUDaMM dataset.
  • The authors of the BEAT dataset.

Any third-party packages are owned by their respective authors and must be used under their respective licenses.


This repository is released under CC-BY-NC-4.0-International License