- Simple configuration and shortcut key for newbie friendly
- Clear and reasonable folder
- Lazy.nvim Manage plugin installation, uninstallation
- File tree(Neotree) and search(Telescope)
- LSP code completion, jumping, formatting
- File/code fuzzy finder
- Code hiwghlight for any language
- Support codeium AI code assistant
- Neovim >= 0.7
- ripgrep
- TSInstall language
Shortcut | Action | Model |
Ctrl l |
<Ctrl w> l |
Normal |
Ctrl h |
<Ctrl w> h |
Normal |
Ctrl j |
<Ctrl w> j |
Normal |
Ctrl k |
<Ctrl w> k |
Normal |
Ctrl g |
codeium#Accept |
Insert |
Ctrl ; |
codeium#CycleCompletions(1) |
Insert |
Ctrl , |
codeium#CycleCompletions(-1) |
Insert |
Ctrl x |
codeium#Clear |
Insert |
<leader> q |
:wq |
Normal |
<leader> s |
:sp |
Normal |
<leader> v |
:vsp |
Normal |
[d |
Get the previous diagnostic closest to the cursor position | Normal |
]d |
Get the next diagnostic closest to the cursor position | Normal |
gD |
Jumps to the declaration of the symbol | Normal |
gd |
Jumps to the definition of the symbol | Normal |
gi |
Jumps to the implementation of the symbol | Normal |
gr |
Displays signature information | Normal |
K |
Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor | Normal |
<leader> r n |
Renames all references | Normal |
<leader> k |
Displays signature information | Normal |
<space> wa |
Add the folder at path to the workspace folders. | Normal |
<space> wr |
Remove the folder at path from the workspace folders. | Normal |
<space> wl |
Print list workspace folders. | Normal |
<space> D |
Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the cursor | Normal |
<space> ca |
Selects a code action available at the current cursor position | Normal & Visual |
<space> f |
Formats a buffer using the attached (and optionally filtered) language server clients | Normal |
<leader> 1 |
Neotree toggle | Normal |
<leader> p |
:Telescope find_files | Normal |
<leader> P |
:Telescope live_grep | Normal |
<leader> rs |
:Telescope resume | Normal |
<leader> of |
:Telescope oldfiles | Normal |