Ant Colony Optimization for Trust Calculation

Primary LanguageC++

Trust Calculation with Ant Colony Optimization in Online Social Networks

Ant Colony Optimization for Trust Calculation

UTKARSH (001411001004, ITE188068) ROHIT KUMAR (001411001061, ITE188006)


  1. Introduction ... 5

  2. Trust and Reputation System ... 6

  3. Swarm Intelligence … 8 3.1 Swarm Intelligence Model … 9

  4. ANT Colony Optimization … 10 4.1 THE DOUBLE BRIDGE EXPERIMENT ...10 4.2 Algorithm of ACO … 13 4.3 Observation … 17

  5. A comparison between Dijkstra algorithm and ACO … 18

  6. Future Work … 22

  7. Conclusion … 23

  8. References … 24

  9. INTRODUCTION Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become an integral part of daily life in recent years. They have been used as a means for a

rich variety of activities, such as seeking service providers or recommendations. In these activities, trust is one of the most important factors for participants’ decision-making process. Therefore, it is necessary and significant to predict the trust between two participants who have no direct interactions. My project aims to provide effective and efficient trust prediction approaches to evaluate trust values, which are introduced from the following four aspects. The first aspect of the work is to study the factors that affect trust in OSNs and solve the trust network extraction problem. OSNs contain important participants, the trust relations between participants, and the contexts in which participants interact with each other. All of such information has a significant influence on the prediction of the trust from a source participant to a target participant without direct interactions. In addition, the trust network, containing a truster and a trustee without direct interactions, is the foundation to perform trust prediction. The extraction of a small-scale trust subnetwork can deliver efficient and effective trust prediction results. We propose a metaheuristic optimization technique ANT Colony optimization for the extraction of such subnetworks.


Manifestations of trust are easy to recognise because we experience and rely on it every day, but at the same time trust is quite challenging to define because it manifests itself in many different forms. The literature on trust can also be quite confusing because the term is being used with a variety of meanings [46]. Two common definitions of trust which we will call reliability trust and decision trust respectively will be used in this study. Reliability Trust is the subjective probability by which an individual, A, expects that another individual, B, performs a given action on which its welfare depends. Decision Trust is the extent to which one party is willing to depend on something or somebody in a given situation with a feeling of relative security, even though negative consequences are possible. Notion of Reputation Reputation is what is generally said or believed about a person’s or thing’s character or standing. This definition corresponds well with the view of social network researchers that reputation is a quantity derived from the underlying social network which is globally visible to all members of the network. The difference between trust and reputation can be illustrated by the following perfectly normal and plausible statements: (1) “I trust you because of your good reputation.” (2) “I trust you despite your bad reputation.”

Trust and Reputation Systems

There are two fundamental differences between traditional and online environments regarding how trust and reputation are, and can be, used. Firstly, as already mentioned, the traditional cues of trust and reputation that we are used to observe and depend on in the physical world are missing in online environments, so that electronic substitutes are needed. Secondly, communicating and sharing information related to trust and reputation is relatively difficult, and normally constrained to local communities in the physical world, whereas IT systems combined with the Internet can be leveraged to design extremely efficient systems for exchanging and collecting such information on a global scale. Motivated by this basic observation, the purposes of research in trust and reputation systems should be to: a. Find adequate online substitutes for the traditional cues to trust and reputation that we are used to in the physical world, and identify new information elements (specific to a particular online application) which are suitable for deriving measures of trust and reputation. b. Take advantage of IT and the Internet to create efficient systems for collecting that information, and for deriving measures of trust and reputation, in order to support decision making and to improve the quality of online markets. These simple principles invite rigorous research in order to answer some fundamental questions: What information elements are most suitable for deriving measures of trust and reputation in

a given application? How can these information elements be captured and collected? What are the best principles for designing such systems from a theoretic and from a usability point of view? Can they be made resistant to attacks of manipulation by strategic agents? How should users include the information provided by such systems into their decision process? What role can these systems play in the business model of commercial companies? Do these systems truly improve the quality of online trade and interactions? These are important questions that need good answers in order to determine the potential for trust and reputation systems in online environments.

3 SWARM INTELLIGENCE A swarm is a large number of homogenous, simple agents interacting locally among themselves, and their environment, with no central control to allow a global interesting behaviour to emerge. Swarm-based algorithms have recently emerged as a family of nature-inspired, population-based algorithms that are capable of producing low cost, fast, and robust solutions to several complex problems . Swarm Intelligence (SI) can therefore be defined as a relatively new branch of Artificial Intelligence that is used to model the collective behaviour of social swarms in nature, such as ant colonies, honey bees, and bird flocks. Although these agents (insects or swarm individuals) are relatively unsophisticated with limited capabilities on their own,

they are interacting together with certain behavioural patterns to cooperatively achieve tasks necessary for their survival. The social interactions among swarm individuals can be either direct or indirect . Examples of direct interaction are through visual or audio contact, such as the waggle dance of honey bees. Indirect interaction occurs when one individual changes the environment and the other individuals respond to the new environment, such as the pheromone trails of ants that they deposit on their way to search for food sources. This indirect type of interaction is referred to as stigmergy, which essentially means communication through the environment.

3.1 Swarm Intelligence (SI) Models Swarm intelligence models are referred to as computational models inspired by natural swarm systems. To date, several swarm intelligence models based on different natural swarm systems have been proposed in the literature, and successfully applied in many real-life applications. Examples of swarm intelligence models are: Ant Colony Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization , Artificial Bee Colony , Bacterial Foraging , Cat Swarm Optimization , Artificial Immune System , and Glowworm Swarm Optimization . In this paper, we will primarily focus on one of the most popular swarm intelligences models, namel, Ant Colony Optimization .

  1. Ant Colony Optimization(ACO) The ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO), is a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems which can be reduced to finding good paths through graphs. This algorithm is a member of ant colony algorithms family, in swarm intelligence methods,the first algorithm was aiming to search for an optimal path in a graph; based on the behavior of ants seeking a path between their colony and a source of food. The original idea has since diversified to solve a wider class of Numerical problems, and as a result, several problems have emerged, drawing on various aspects of the behavior of ants

4.1 THE DOUBLE BRIDGE EXPERIMENT The ants begin by walking randomly. They cannot see the ground and have a very limited view of what is around them. Therefore, if the ground has not been explored yet, they will just wander and take random decision at each crossroads. After a while, the places around the nest will be all explored. The ants will get to know that by the marking done by the previous ants. Indeed, they will leave behind them the famous pheromones and inform the other ants that the way is already explored.

The concentration of pheromones depends on the number of ants who took the way, the more ants taking the way, the more pheromones. The configuration is as shown in figure 1.1: the nest of a colony of ants is connected to the food via two bridges of the same length. In such a setting, ants start to explore the surroundings of the nest and eventually reach the food source. Along their path between food source and nest, ants deposit pheromones. Initially, each ant randomly chooses one of the two bridges. However, due to random fluctuations, after some time one of the two bridges presents a higher concentration of pheromones than the other and, therefore, attracts more ants. This brings a further amount of pheromone on that bridge making it more attractive with the result that after some time the whole colony converges toward the use of the same bridge

Defining Ant Solution Ant meta-heuristic ACO deployed in three inner processes that is ‘construct solution’, ‘update pheromone’ and ‘Daemon action’. All three processes can describe in following ways :- (a) Construct ant Solution Ant apply decision policy between neighbour vertices, decision is carried out with the help of probabilistic rule on arcs. (b) Update Pheromone Deposit new pheromone on arc attract ants to choose that path, hence it increase probability that a particular connection is used by many ants. Pheromone evaporation prevents ants to use suboptimal region and explore new search space.

(a) Local Updating Let τ be pheromone between neighbour nodes local update carried out following way T(i,j)= (1-Q)T(i,j) Q-rate of pheromone evaporation

(b) Globally Update After evaporation has been applied to all arcs pheromone is updating global way.

T(i,j)= (1-Q)T(i,j) + delτ where delτ is total amount of pheromone deposited on all arc (edge)

(c) Daemon Actions (Optional)

Among N number of path daemon action chose few or single path which is optimal solution in present iteration and also allow deposit more pheromone on particular path. Next Figure denote automata5 model of ant Meta Heuristic with four states. Machine is start from initialize data and it can be stop either pheromone update of daemon action (which is optional).

An ant will move from node i to node j with probability pi,j = (τ α i,j )(η β i,j ) /P(τ α i,j )(η β i,j ) where , τi,j is the amount of pheromone on edge i, j α is a parameter to control the influence of τi,j ηi,j is the desirability of edge i, j (typically 1/di,j ) β is a parameter to control the influence of ηi,j


In this section we proposing algorithm for calculating trust cycle. (1) Data Initialization following terms are use in data initialization. (a) User Activity Matrix (d) It shows how much activity share between two users. Assign weight in previous table to calculate activity share between users. (b) Social Intimacy Pheromone We discussed it in earlier section. (c) Alpha, Beta Relative influence with lies according to different ant systems such as ant colony system, max-min ant system, Rank based ant system, Elist based ant system. (d) Number of ants ‘A’ Total numbers of ants for start the procedure. (e) Number of buyer node B Number of user node who looking for trustworthy service.

Trust Calculation Algorithm

♦Initialization: a. Set initial parameters that are system: variable, states, function, input, output, input trajectory, output trajectory. b. Set initial pheromone trails value. c. Each ant is individually placed on initial state with empty memory. ♦While termination conditions not meet do a. Construct Ant Solution: Each ant constructs a path by successively applying the transition function the probability of moving from state to state depend on: as the attractiveness of the move, and the trail level of the move. b. Apply Local Search c. Best Tour check: If there is an improvement, update it. d. Update Trails:

  • Evaporate a fixed proportion of pheromone on each road .- For each ant perform the “ant-cycle” pheromone update.
  • Reinforce the best tour with a set number of “elitist ants” performing the “ant-cycle” e. Create a new population by applying the following operation, based on pheromone trails. The operations are applied to individual(s) selected from the population with a probability based on fitness. End While

The working of ACO metaheuristic


Solution Component

Pheromone Model

Probablistic Solution Construction

Pheromone value update

Initialization of pheromone value

4.3 Observation Considering a small graph , we have observed the ACO algorithm to find the best path between seller and buyer on online social network that work as a dynamic consumer relationship management (CRM) system which allow business people to analyze customer behavior and conversation on social networking. We have taken an input file of 10 nodes with their probalility trust . We have considered 1000 ants in the system. The value of Alpha factor is 1.0 and beta factor is 2.5. The evaporation rate defined is 0.00001 and deposition factor is 0.00005.


0 1 3 8 9

2 4 6

The graph G 7

Upon applying the ACO algorithm to this graph , we get following as a result considering 0 as seller and rest node as buyer. The paths we get using ACO are :- 0->1 0->2 0->1->3 0->1->4 0->1->5 0->1->4->6 0->1->4->7 0->1->3->8 0->1->3->8->9

  1. A comparison between Dijkstra algorithm and ACO Dijkstra algorithm Dijkstra’s Algorithm is a graph search algorithm that solves the single-source shortest path problem for a graph with nonnegative edge path costs, producing a shortest path tree. This algorithm is often used in routing and other network related protocols. For a given source vertex (node) in the graph, the algorithm finds the path with lowest cost (i.e. the shortest path) between that vertex and every other vertex. It can also be used for finding costs of shortest paths from a single vertex to a single destination vertex by stopping the algorithm once the shortest path to the destination vertex has been determined. For example, if the vertices of the graph represent cities and edge path costs represent driving distances between pairs of cities connected by a direct road, Dijkstra's algorithm can be used to find the shortest route between one city and all other cities. Alogorithm 1) Create a set sptSet (shortest path tree set) that keeps track of vertices included in shortest path tree, i.e., whose minimum distance from source is calculated and finalized. Initially, set is empty. 2) Assign a distance value to all vertices in the input graph. Initialize all distance values as INFINITE. Assign distance val as 0 for the source vertex so that it is picked first.

3) While sptSet doesn’t include all vertices a) Pick a vertex u which is not there in sptSet and has minimum distance value. b) Include u to sptSet. c) Update distance value of all adjacent vertices of u. To update the distance values, iterate through all adjacent vertices. For every adjacent vertex v, if sum of distance value of u (from source) and weight of edge u-v, is less than the distance value of v, then update the distance value of v. Comparision The below data conducts to a conclusion that well known method of shortest path routing such Dijkstra algorithm is better then new, alternative methods (in this case ACO algorithm). Besides, it has to be told, that in the case of ACO algorithm only the best obtained route is presented. This method does not guarantee any optimality, so there is a problem with the repeatability too. Every single use of ACO algorithm can result other solution. For given 20 nodes Graph ,we devise :- Algorith m

ANT Route’s length

Time Complexit

y ACO 1000 9 0.04217 O(n2) Dijkstra 1000 11 0.83451 O(n3)

The discussion about these two algorithms can be based on information deduced. Few important features were taken into consideration. First of all, the most important question is if the algorithm can guarantee the optimality. Dijkstra algorithm is always able to find a shortest, optimal path . ACO algorithm very often chooses other suboptimal paths , so doesn’t guarantee optimality. Besides, the alternative way requires more execution time.

Dijkstra ACO Guarantee optimality Yes No Computational complexibility

O(n2 ) O(n3 ) Time Shorter Longer Distances From source to all


From source to destination

Numbering of nodes Free Almost free (source must be 1, destination must be n) Route repeatibility Yes No

Comparison view between Dijkstra and ACO

There is a lot of proposals of solving a problem of shortest path routing. One of the most popular ways to solve is Dijkstra algorithm. Sometimes, if classical methods are not able to find a solution or have some difficulties, other alternative ones can be used. ACO algorithm based on the theory of artificial ants is one

of such ideas. It’s able to find a suboptimal route. A comparison between these two algorithms was made. The research prove that Dijkstra algorithm is a better way to solve the problem of shortest path routing in graph. It’s faster, guarantees optimality and has less computational complexilibity.


ACO is supposed to be a swarm intelligence based learning algorithm which has been widely used for various optimisation problems.  From a data mining stand point, its one of the best performing evolutionary algorithms in the domain of feature selection and rule mining  A lot of authors have explored the use of ACO in bioinformatics.Hybrid ACO algorithms have been reported of giving high classification accuracies for massive bioinformatics optimisation problems(Models for Cancer Classification ).  ACO can be applied to some interesting problems like Credit Risk Management,inferring business rules etc.  Data Mining with an Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithm is also used by formation of Antminer.  ACO is a recently proposed metaheuristic approach for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems  ACO shows great performance with the “ill-structured” problems like network routing.

  1. Conclusion

We introduced here a search methodology based on a distributed autocatalytic process and its application to the solution of a classical optimization problem. The general idea underlying the Ant System paradigm is that of a population of agents each guided by an autocatalytic process directed by a greedy force. Were an agent alone, the autocatalytic process and the greedy force would tend to make the agent converge to a suboptimal tour with exponential speed. When agents interact it appears that the greedy force can give the right suggestions to the autocatalytic process and facilitate quick convergence to very good, often optimal, solutions without getting stuck in local optima. We have speculated that this behavior could be due to the fact that information gained by agents during the search process is used to modify the problem representation and in this way to reduce the region of the space considered by the search process. Even if no tour is completely excluded, bad tours become highly improbable, and the agents search only in the neighborhood of good solutions. Ant Colony Optimization has been and continues to be a fruitful paradigm for designing effective combinatorial optimization solution algorithms. After more than ten years of studies, both its application effectiveness and its theoretical groundings have been demonstrated, making ACO one of the most successful paradigm in the metaheuristic area.

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