
Home Assistant integration for the Linksys Velop

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Linksys Velop

Home Assistant integration for the Linksys Velop Wi-Fi system.

Table of Contents


This custom component has been designed for Home Assistant and enables access to the functions that would be useful (and probably some that aren't) in the Home Assistant environment.


The integration can be installed using HACS. The integrations is not available in the default repositories, so you will need to add the URL of this repository as a custom repository to HACS (see here).

Alternatively you can use the button below.

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.


Mesh: the mesh is the network itself and refers to anything that is not attributed to a single node or device in the network.

Node: a node is a device that helps to form the mesh.

Device: a device is an endpoint that connects to the mesh network. Think of these as the endpoint devices, such as a laptop, phone or tablet.

Entities Provided

All device entities are only available if the UI Device is enabled.

Entities are only available if the required capability for that data is available on the Mesh. For example, if the Mesh does not support the storage JNAP actions then the entities detailing storage partitions etc. will not be available.

Binary Sensors

Location Name Enabled by default Additional Information Comments
Device Blocked Times ✔️ Times of the week that are blocked
Device Guest Network ✔️
Device Reserved IP ✔️
Device Status ✔️
Mesh Channel Scanning ✖️
Mesh Client Steering ✖️
Mesh DHCP Server ✖️
Mesh Express Forwarding ✖️
Mesh HomeKit Integration Paired ✖️
Mesh MAC Filtering ✖️ The mode and list of MAC addresses being filtered
Mesh Node Steering ✖️
Mesh SIP ✖️
Mesh Speedtest Status ✖️
Mesh UPnP Allow Users to Configure ✖️
Mesh UPnP Allow Users to Disable Internet ✖️
Mesh WAN Status ✔️ IP, DNS and MAC
Node Status ✔️ Reservation, guest network, IP and MAC


Location Name Enabled by default Comments
Device Delete ✔️
Mesh Check for Updates ✔️
Mesh Reboot the Whole Mesh ✖️ See Configurable Options -> Advanced Options
Mesh Start Channel Scan ✖️ Adjusts the interval for channel scanning data collection to 40s
Mesh Start Speedtest ✖️ Adjusts the interval for speedtest data collection to 1s
Node Reboot ✔️

N.B. There is deliberately no button provided to restart the Primary node by default. Restarting the Primary node will cause all nodes in the Mesh to reboot and I consider this to be quite a destructive action. There is no confirmation in the HASS UI when a button is pressed so there is no time to warn anyone. If you'd like to reboot the Primary you node you must use the service with the is_primary flag provided, or the Mesh: Reboot the Whole Mesh button.

Device Trackers

These are selectable and are presented as part of the configuration at both install time and from reconfiguring the integration.

Device trackers should be enabled by default and will be seen as entities of the mesh. This is achieved by adding the MAC address to the known connections for the Mesh device. You will see these in the HASS UI. When the tracker is removed, the MAC is also removed from the Mesh device.


This entity provides access to data for the events selected in the configuration. Available events are: -

Event Triggered Comments
Mesh rebooted When the Mesh data collection receives a response This is the first response after the back off period
Mesh rebooting When either the service or button is used to reboot the Mesh The Mesh is flagged as rebooting and will then back off carrying out updates for 30s
New device found When the integration carries out its normal polling period and a device with a new unique ID is found The uniqued ID for comparison is the one provided by Linksys
New node found When the integration carries out its normal polling period and a node with a new unique ID is found The uniqued ID for comparison is the one provided by Linksys


Location Name Enabled by default Primary value Additional Information Comments
Device Devices ✔️ Selected device to show in the UI Allows selecting of a device to show the information for the placeholder device Only available if temporary device is enabled


Location Name Enabled by default Primary value Additional Information Comments
Device Blocked sites ✔️ Count of blocked sites List of blocked sites
Device Description ✔️
Device Friendly Signal Strength ✔️
Device ID ✔️ Unique ID as assigned by Linksys
Device IP ✔️
Device IPv6 ✔️
Device MAC ✔️
Device Manufacturer ✔️
Device Model ✔️
Device Name ✔️
Device Operating system ✔️
Device Parent ✔️
Device Serial ✔️
Device Signal strength ✔️ RSSI value
Device UI type ✔️ The entity_picture attribute will be set if node_images are configured, see here
Mesh Available Storage ✖️ Count of partitions available List of the available partitions including: IP, label, available Kb, used Kb, used %age and last checked time
Mesh DHCP Reservations ✖️ Count of DHCP reservations List of DHCP reservations
Mesh Offline Devices ✔️ Count of offline devices List of offline device names and unique ID
Mesh Online Devices ✔️ Count of online devices List of online device names, unique ID, IP, connection type and if they're on the guest network
Mesh Guest Devices ✔️ Count of guest devices List of guest devices List of online device names, unique ID, IP, connection type
Mesh Speedtest Download Bandwidth ✖️
Mesh Speedtest Last Run ✖️ Timestamp when a Speedtest was last executed
Mesh Speedtest Latency ✖️
Mesh Speedtest Progress ✖️ Textual representation of the current stage in the Speetest execution
Mesh Speedtest Result ✖️
Mesh Speedtest Upload Bandwidth ✖️
Mesh WAN IP ✔️
Node Backhaul Friendly Strength ✔️ only available if using a wirless backhaul and is a secondary node
Node Backhaul Last Checked ✖️ Timestamp of when the backhaul connection was last checked only available if a secondary node
Node Backhaul Signal Strength ✔️ RSSI value only available if using a wirless backhaul and is a secondary node
Node Backhaul Speed ✔️ only available if a secondary node
Node Backhaul Type ✔️ Wired/Wireless only available if a secondary node
Node Connected Devices ✔️ Count of connected devices List of connected device names, unique ID, IP, connection type and if they're on the guest network
Node Last Update Check ✖️ Timestamp when the last check for a firmmware update was made
Node Model ✔️ The entity_picture attribute will be set if node_images are configured, see here
Node Parent Name ✔️ IP address of the parent only available if a secondary node
Node Serial ✔️
Node Type ✔️ Primary/Secondary


Location Name Enabled by default Additional Information Comments
Device Internet Access ✔️
Mesh Guest Wi-Fi ✔️ List of guest networks including: SSID and band
Mesh HomeKit Integration ✔️
Mesh Parental Control ✔️ List of objects defining the devices, blocked times and blocked sites
Mesh UPnP ✔️ Only controls the state of the UPnP not the sub-components of UPnP, these are only binary sensors
Mesh WPS ✔️


Location Name Enabled by default Comments
Node Update ✔️


The following services are available. Each service is described in metadata so paramters are described in the Home Assistant Services page.

  • Control Internet Access for a Device - allow/block access to the Internet for a device.
  • Delete Device - delete a device from the Mesh device list.
  • Reboot Node - reboot the given node.
  • Rename Device - rename the given device in the Mesh device list.
  • Set Device Parental Controls - set the times a device is blocked from using the Internet.

All services require that you select the Mesh device that the request should be directed to. Other requirements by the services should be self-explanatory.

* these are considered long-running tasks. When the binary sensors spot these tasks are running an additional timer is set up that polls at intervals to get updates and updates the relevant attributes for that sensor.

^ these are deprecated services. A warning will be displayed in the HASS log when they are used. They are subject to removal at any time.


Reason Trigger Resolution Comments
Missing device tracker Raised when the device, used for device tracking, no longer appears on the Mesh Deletes the device tracker entity This is based on the unique ID supplied by Linksys. If the device is still on the Mesh, and only its unique ID has changed, you should reconfigure the integration to use the device as a tracker again
Missing node Raised when the given node no longer appears on the Mesh Deletes the node device This is based on the unique ID supplied by Linksys. If the node is still on the Mesh, and only its unique ID has changed, you should carry out the resolution and reload the integration
Missing UI device Raised when the device, selected to be shown in the UI, no longer appears on the Mesh Deletes the UI device This is based on the unique ID supplied by Linksys. If the device is still on the Mesh, and only its unique ID has changed, you should reconfigure the integration to use the device as a tracker again


When setting up the integration you will be asked for the following information.

Initial Setup Screen

  • Primary node address: must be the node classed as the primary node
  • Password: the password you would use to log in to the router. This may not be the same as the password for the application or web UI if you use the Linksys cloud service.

Configure Timers

  • Scan Interval: the frequency of updates for the sensors, default 60s
  • Device Tracker Interval: the frequency of updates for the device trackers, default 10s
  • Consider Home Period: the time to wait before considering a device away after it notifies of becoming disconnected, default 180s
  • Response Timeout: the number of seconds to wait for a response from an individual request to the API, default 10s

Configure Device Trackers

  • Available devices: a multi-select list of the devices found on the mesh.

On successful set up the following screen will be seen detailing the Mesh device and the individual nodes found in the mesh.

Final Setup Screen

Configurable Options

It is possible to configure the following options for the integration.


Configure Timers

  • Scan Interval: the frequency of updates for the sensors, default 60s
  • Device Tracker Interval: the frequency of updates for the device trackers, default 10s
  • Consider Home Period: the time to wait before considering a device away after it notifies of becoming disconnected, default 180s
  • Response Timeout: the number of seconds to wait for a response from an individual request to the API, default 10s

Device Trackers

Configure Device Trackers

  • Available devices: a multi-select list of the devices found on the mesh.

UI Devices

A UI device is one which is available on the mesh and you would like to have further information available in Home Assistant. IT could be that you want to create automations based on a device signal strength, parent node or state (without using a device tracker).

Configure UI Devices

  • Available devices: a multi-select list of the devices found on the mesh. This list excludes any device which doesn't have a name - typically displayed in the official interfaces as Network Device


The events selected here will be raised with the event entity.

Configure Events

Advanced Options

This section is only available if "Advanced Mode" is enabled for the current user. See here.

Configure Advanced Options

  • Velop image path: the path to the folder location containing the images to use for integration purposes. This is currently used for to set the entity picture for various entities. It relies on the http integration from HASS, details of which can be found here, and more specifically here for the path to place the files in.
  • Use a temporary device for select entity details: creates a placeholder device that will be populated with the details of the device selected in the select entity. The select entity will no longer have the details populated to its attributes.
  • Allow rebooting the Mesh: creates a button on the Mesh entity that allows rebooting the whole mesh.


Debug Logging

This way of logging is most useful if there is an intermitent problem as it will continue logging until it is disabled again.

Debug logging can be enabled in Home Assistant using the logger integration see here.

  default: warning
    custom_components.linksys_velop: debug
    pyvelop: debug

Diagnostics Integration

The highlighted area in the image below shows where the link for downloading diagnostics can be found.

Diagnostics link

Example output: -